lunes, 21 de febrero de 2022

Hunter x Hunter (Work in progress)


Gon Freecs
The Savior

"I want to find why my father chose to be a Hunter instead of being with me."

It is easy to see that Gon is a Sanguine/Get Things Going/Influence interaction style.  He is enthusiastic, expressive, conflict averse, stable and for the most part, scattered. 

Where it becomes tricky is in determining his temperament, because his talents and upbringing developed his senses, which he uses often to solve his problems.  But type is not about prowess, but about preference.  The use of intuition can also be argued as he uses imagination and mental simulations to come up with solutions that aren't mere observation.  Aside from that, he often has unrealistic expectations and can disconnect from reality when trying to achieve his wishes. The key to this apparent mixture between ESFP and ENFP can be resolved by the fact that he fits the idealist NF temperament a lot more that he does with explorer SP temperament.  He is very affiliative, wanting to do the right thing.  He is not comfortable with shortcuts or doing wrong things for the right reasons.  He also isn't someone that will easily break agreements.  Explorer types cannot help but do what works and ask for forgiveness later.  Gon is always thinking about doing things together with others and not independently.  Gon is more motivated by people than he is with adventure or sensory experiences.  He doesn't seem to be excited about visiting new locations and enjoying the present.  That shows when his only concern about the auction was reuniting with his friends. He is playful with Killua to pass time but his core motivations revolve about understanding and helping people. He also seems to enjoy the thrill of battle, but to a small degree that could be explained by his ESTP super ego. His primary reason to become a hunter was to understand why his father chose to be a hunter .  This is about meaning, significance,  and not about being strong, cool, adventurous or having strong stimuli. Gon is very idealistic and often makes demands others find impossible but he believes there is some way to make it happen.  He is always willing and hopeful that there is a way.  In that sense, he honors the nickname of Savior. 

With Killua the NF vs SP  difference show as we will see later. If we wish to make arguments for the cognitive functions of ENFP we can say he uses Ne to do mental simulations and think of possibilities to conquer a challenge, like he did on the forest against Hisoka. He also demonstrated to think out of the regular when breaking the wall in the hunter test tower or when using floors to fight at Heavens Arena. 

His Fi doesn't need a lot of confirmation as he doesn't push his values unto others, and acts on his own values primarily.  As a Te user he is practical more than he is analytical , preferring simple effective solutions.  Lastly, Si inferior allows him to be disciplined and aware of his bodily sensations in order to master Nen.  It is what he aspires to. to understand that he needs a patient process to become stronger and find his dad. His ISTJ subconscious shows when asking for Killua to be treated fairly by his family.  His INFJ shadow makes sense when he has an idea he won't let go and becomes focused and unyielding.   

Killua Zoldyck
The Crafter

"I heard the Hunter exam was supposed to be really hard so I thought it would be fun."

Killua is the easiest of the main characters to type. He is a textbook ISTP.  As a Cautious style,  he is focused, careful and critical, thus conflict seeker. As a Explorer SP temperament, he is pragmatic, adventurous, challenge and fun seeking, with a preference for motives over structure. As a Logic (Ti)  in the Hero position (1st), he is detached, analytical and thinks before he acts.  As a  Senses (Se)  in the Counselor position (2nd) he is spontaneous, with good sensory awareness which he trusts, and prefer concrete solutions based on experience or observation, more than mental simulations or speculation. His contrast with Gon in this aspect shows too. He tries to make Gon more realistic. His ESTJ shadow shows when he scolds Gon for being reckless and demonstrates discipline in the use of teachings.  His ENFJ subconscious can be seen when he becomes sentimental towards Gon and his bond with him. Also when he aspires to develop empathy to stop being a killer.  This works together with his INFP super ego that wants to follow his own path and not having his life decided for him.

The Mentor

"Because there is evil running loose that needs to be chained to hell."

Kurapika is a complex character that seems to fit NT, SJ and NF temperaments.  His Cautious interaction style is the easy part, that is similar to Killua: careful, focused, critical and comfortable with conflict. What helps to solve his temperament and preferred functions is the fact that he seems very comfortable with speculation. He imagines a likely scenario and decides based on that. Even when he knows it is just a theory,  he feels ok about preparing for the possibility as any mature intuitive would.  On the other hand, he demonstrates a high sense of honor, fellowship and the desire to do what is noble and right. These seem affiliative. This lead us to the best possible fit for him that is NF temperament.  

Cautious X Idealist results in INFJ.  He often talks about doing anything to complete his mission, but he is never seen doing something wrong to achieve the ultimate goal. As such, we can argue that he aspires to be bold and pragmatic , with his dual type ESTP but his main preference is that of his ego, off course. If he was INTJ, his dual would be ESFP that doesn't fit too well.  If he was ISTJ, his dual would be ENFP that sounds better, but his intuition doesn't seem to jump from one idea to many, but the contrary,  so Ni instead of Ne matches better.  ENFP on the shadow when he consider possibilities and when he opens up to people, seems alright. Lastly,  ISTJ super ego could be used to explain his deeper rage and passion to bring justice and rest to the remains of his Kurta Clan. His sacred duty.

Leorio Paradinight
The Captain

"I haven't given up my dream to become a doctor."

Leorio's interaction style is quite easy to determine.  He is direct, impatient, expressive and pushy.  A Driver hands down.  
On the other side, his intent is tricky, because he seems pragmatic, but as a pragmatic driver, he could only be ESTP or ENTJ. He is more motives oriented than systematic so we could try ESTP. This doesn't work too well because more often than not, he decides by his emotions and values. On the other side,  SPs core motivation of fun, adventure, challenge,  and going with the flow doesn't really fit. He does display interest in primal pleasures but later we discover his true motivations lie in ideals about helping others. 
As the only feeler driver there is,  ENFJ can be argued.    He is idealistic and his goals are those of benevolence and justice. He is quite empathetic behind his rough armor.  Sensation (Se) in the Aspirant position explains his wanna be brave attitude and indulgence with what money can offer. He is ISTP focused, in order to protect his sensitivity, and often do whatever means he can think of to get his way. He can be very clever in this regard. His INFP shadow shows when he remains true to his values and ready to find a way to go with them. SPOILER: such as when he decided to face Hisoka instead of running away. His ESTJ super ego is his bossy cold self that will force you to do the right thing and will often remember those details about offenses. SPOILER: An example of this is when he punched Ging for abandoning Gon.

The Inventor

"I devised my own way of using personality to classify aura."

Hisoka's type is easily determined by his most dominant cognitive function that seems to be Creativity (Ne) .  He is always focused on potential, possibilities, the future and is often excited when others show inventiveness. He is quite the inventor himself with his techniques,  their names and his own method to classify  Nen users.   His motivations are more concerned with power and competence, that we can associate with Logic (Ti) , more than Morals or ideals. So his intent is that of a Theorist (NT).  

His style seems more expressive, process oriented and joyful than collected and controlling, thus Inspiring. Then ENTP fits better than INTP.  

INTJ shadow  fits well with his long terms plans about getting to fight strong opponents and reduce them.  

ESFP super ego is what makes him go wild with strong stimulea in combat.  

There is not a lot of ISTJ subconscious  but we could argue this develops as he becomes companion with other hunters and displays some sense of honor. 

Isaac Netero
The Crafter

Ha ha ha. I see... That is good to hear. I found a challenger at my age. This is thilling, quite thrilling...” 

Isaac's intent is not so hard to determine. He is playful, and enjoys improvisation, challenges and strong stimulae.  He wants to perform gracefully while he explores interesting opponents.  He isn't theoretically or strategic about how to become powerful, as an Analyst intent would be.  He is of Explorer intent.
Now let's look at his interaction style. Although he is playful he isn't an expressive dynamo that is always starting interactions, inspiring others to be part of something and having fun with it. He is more often than not, collected, focused and deliberate.  This points to him being Cautious style.  
Looking at him from other angles, his decisions seem more rational than values oriented. He is more cold and calculating than warm or sensitive. As a thinker explorer ISTP , his aspirant Insight (Ni) and ENFJ subconcious looks for meaning and growth through prayer and contemplation.  
His ESTJ unconscious  manifests as he leads with strong foundations and honor. 
Lastly we could argue that his INFP super ego holds his more treasued values and the open- mindedness to believe humanity can evolve limitlessly and conquer any odd. 

The Dreamer

"You are like someone standing naked in a blizzard and wondering why it is cold."

Starting with his style,   I believe it is easy to determine that Wing is supportive.  He thinks before he acts or speaks. He is collected, introspective, calmed and has open energy.  When he speaks he is eloquent and informative.  At times he can be direct and intense but it is not his main style. This can come from his strict and conservative ESTJ subconcious that is well integrated for him as a teacher.   Or can come from his ENFJ shadow that is visionary, inspiring as well as directive.  
I also believe his intent if that of an idealist.  He is focused on the potential, self-realization and growth of his students. He often encourages students to find their own identity and be true to themselves. He is affiliative and abstract. 

The Executive

"I will definitely catch up!"

The first thing I noticed about Zushi is that he was expressive, fiery, intense.  He was also pretty direct so I think Driver style suits him.   
Later,  it was quite clear he was very polite and disciplined.  Straightforward and practical.  Not imaginative or philosophical but concrete and traditional, of Guardian intent. 
Efficacy (Te)  and Memory (Si)  seems right for his Hero and Counselor cognitive functions respectively.   
His ISTP shadow shows as well when he goes with the flow and forget about promises and rules in order to beat a rival in front of him. He had envy about the performance from Gon and Killua. His INFP subconscious shows as well when he displays his tender and soft side with the strong aspirant Morals (Fi) .

The Dreamer

"I don't want anyone else to end up like me."

Melody's interaction style is the easiest to determine and if that of  Supportive.  She avoids conflict, and is more relaxed than intense. More receptive than expressive and more informative than direct when she communicates.  
With her intent we need to look a little more into her speech, and we find she seems more affiliative and abstract.  As we look into her many quotes we can see that even when she is gifted with a keen hearing, her focus is on the meaning of these sensations and she uses them to uplift and become a catalizer for people.   Idealist intent seems just right. 
Although we could be tempted to say she is a Harmony (Fe) user,  because how warm and empathetic she is, we can also argue that she is more concerned with acting on her own Values (Fi) and often does not try to establish shared values with others, which result in scolding people or being more judgemental.  
We can also argue Ne used to read between the lines for people as she listens to them.  If she was a Ni user we could expect a more intense and fixed viewpoint of things that is often accompanied with a more fierce demeanor (caused by Sensations Se).  
Te can easily be argued as she es practical SPOILER: as seen in her deal with Kurapika when she discovers him.  
ENFJ shadow, as with all INFPs manifests by being empathetic, uplifting and the devoted to the single mission of protecting others from the song that damaged her. 
ESTJ duality we can see it with her with wanting to be protective and reliable as a hunter.  
Lastly,  ISTP super ego is ready to become a silent action hero that will risk her body for what needs to be done. She reminds me of Armin (from Attack on Titan) and Chopper (from One Piece). 
(Work in Progress)

Biscuit Krueger
The Inventor

"If they give it all they've got, they'll have to accept the results, whatever happens. But, I'll be happy enough if they at least figure out what they lack."

The Performer

"Which is more powerful? Your grudge or me?! Bring it on!!"

The Analyst

"Aw, he broke. Gotta look for another puppet."

Chrollo Lucifer
The Mastermind

"Together, we are the Spider. I'm its head, and you're the legs. The legs do what the head says. But there will be times when the legs are more important than the head. If I die, someone else will take over. My orders are of the utmost priority. My life is not. Be sure to make the right decision. I'm only a part of the Spider. What's important is the survival of the whole, not the individual."

The Mentor

Do you humans ever listen to the cries of mercy coming from pigs and cows you slaughter?

Ging Freecs
The Analyst

"You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you'll find things more important than what you want."