lunes, 21 de febrero de 2022

Hunter x Hunter (Work in progress)


Gon Freecs
The Savior

"I want to find why my father chose to be a Hunter instead of being with me."

It is easy to see that Gon is a Sanguine/Get Things Going/Influence interaction style.  He is enthusiastic, expressive, conflict averse, stable and for the most part, scattered. 

Where it becomes tricky is in determining his temperament, because his talents and upbringing developed his senses, which he uses often to solve his problems.  But type is not about prowess, but about preference.  The use of intuition can also be argued as he uses imagination and mental simulations to come up with solutions that aren't mere observation.  Aside from that, he often has unrealistic expectations and can disconnect from reality when trying to achieve his wishes. The key to this apparent mixture between ESFP and ENFP can be resolved by the fact that he fits the idealist NF temperament a lot more that he does with explorer SP temperament.  He is very affiliative, wanting to do the right thing.  He is not comfortable with shortcuts or doing wrong things for the right reasons.  He also isn't someone that will easily break agreements.  Explorer types cannot help but do what works and ask for forgiveness later.  Gon is always thinking about doing things together with others and not independently.  Gon is more motivated by people than he is with adventure or sensory experiences.  He doesn't seem to be excited about visiting new locations and enjoying the present.  That shows when his only concern about the auction was reuniting with his friends. He is playful with Killua to pass time but his core motivations revolve about understanding and helping people. He also seems to enjoy the thrill of battle, but to a small degree that could be explained by his ESTP super ego. His primary reason to become a hunter was to understand why his father chose to be a hunter .  This is about meaning, significance,  and not about being strong, cool, adventurous or having strong stimuli. Gon is very idealistic and often makes demands others find impossible but he believes there is some way to make it happen.  He is always willing and hopeful that there is a way.  In that sense, he honors the nickname of Savior. 

With Killua the NF vs SP  difference show as we will see later. If we wish to make arguments for the cognitive functions of ENFP we can say he uses Ne to do mental simulations and think of possibilities to conquer a challenge, like he did on the forest against Hisoka. He also demonstrated to think out of the regular when breaking the wall in the hunter test tower or when using floors to fight at Heavens Arena. 

His Fi doesn't need a lot of confirmation as he doesn't push his values unto others, and acts on his own values primarily.  As a Te user he is practical more than he is analytical , preferring simple effective solutions.  Lastly, Si inferior allows him to be disciplined and aware of his bodily sensations in order to master Nen.  It is what he aspires to. to understand that he needs a patient process to become stronger and find his dad. His ISTJ subconscious shows when asking for Killua to be treated fairly by his family.  His INFJ shadow makes sense when he has an idea he won't let go and becomes focused and unyielding.   

Killua Zoldyck
The Crafter

"I heard the Hunter exam was supposed to be really hard so I thought it would be fun."

Killua is the easiest of the main characters to type. He is a textbook ISTP.  As a Cautious style,  he is focused, careful and critical, thus conflict seeker. As a Explorer SP temperament, he is pragmatic, adventurous, challenge and fun seeking, with a preference for motives over structure. As a Logic (Ti)  in the Hero position (1st), he is detached, analytical and thinks before he acts.  As a  Senses (Se)  in the Counselor position (2nd) he is spontaneous, with good sensory awareness which he trusts, and prefer concrete solutions based on experience or observation, more than mental simulations or speculation. His contrast with Gon in this aspect shows too. He tries to make Gon more realistic. His ESTJ shadow shows when he scolds Gon for being reckless and demonstrates discipline in the use of teachings.  His ENFJ subconscious can be seen when he becomes sentimental towards Gon and his bond with him. Also when he aspires to develop empathy to stop being a killer.  This works together with his INFP super ego that wants to follow his own path and not having his life decided for him.

The Mentor

"Because there is evil running loose that needs to be chained to hell."

Kurapika is a complex character that seems to fit NT, SJ and NF temperaments.  His Cautious interaction style is the easy part, that is similar to Killua: careful, focused, critical and comfortable with conflict. What helps to solve his temperament and preferred functions is the fact that he seems very comfortable with speculation. He imagines a likely scenario and decides based on that. Even when he knows it is just a theory,  he feels ok about preparing for the possibility as any mature intuitive would.  On the other hand, he demonstrates a high sense of honor, fellowship and the desire to do what is noble and right. These seem affiliative. This lead us to the best possible fit for him that is NF temperament.  

Cautious X Idealist results in INFJ.  He often talks about doing anything to complete his mission, but he is never seen doing something wrong to achieve the ultimate goal. As such, we can argue that he aspires to be bold and pragmatic , with his dual type ESTP but his main preference is that of his ego, off course. If he was INTJ, his dual would be ESFP that doesn't fit too well.  If he was ISTJ, his dual would be ENFP that sounds better, but his intuition doesn't seem to jump from one idea to many, but the contrary,  so Ni instead of Ne matches better.  ENFP on the shadow when he consider possibilities and when he opens up to people, seems alright. Lastly,  ISTJ super ego could be used to explain his deeper rage and passion to bring justice and rest to the remains of his Kurta Clan. His sacred duty.

Leorio Paradinight
The Captain

"I haven't given up my dream to become a doctor."

Leorio's interaction style is quite easy to determine.  He is direct, impatient, expressive and pushy.  A Driver hands down.  
On the other side, his intent is tricky, because he seems pragmatic, but as a pragmatic driver, he could only be ESTP or ENTJ. He is more motives oriented than systematic so we could try ESTP. This doesn't work too well because more often than not, he decides by his emotions and values. On the other side,  SPs core motivation of fun, adventure, challenge,  and going with the flow doesn't really fit. He does display interest in primal pleasures but later we discover his true motivations lie in ideals about helping others. 
As the only feeler driver there is,  ENFJ can be argued.    He is idealistic and his goals are those of benevolence and justice. He is quite empathetic behind his rough armor.  Sensation (Se) in the Aspirant position explains his wanna be brave attitude and indulgence with what money can offer. He is ISTP focused, in order to protect his sensitivity, and often do whatever means he can think of to get his way. He can be very clever in this regard. His INFP shadow shows when he remains true to his values and ready to find a way to go with them. SPOILER: such as when he decided to face Hisoka instead of running away. His ESTJ super ego is his bossy cold self that will force you to do the right thing and will often remember those details about offenses. SPOILER: An example of this is when he punched Ging for abandoning Gon.

The Inventor

"I devised my own way of using personality to classify aura."

Hisoka's type is easily determined by his most dominant cognitive function that seems to be Creativity (Ne) .  He is always focused on potential, possibilities, the future and is often excited when others show inventiveness. He is quite the inventor himself with his techniques,  their names and his own method to classify  Nen users.   His motivations are more concerned with power and competence, that we can associate with Logic (Ti) , more than Morals or ideals. So his intent is that of a Theorist (NT).  

His style seems more expressive, process oriented and joyful than collected and controlling, thus Inspiring. Then ENTP fits better than INTP.  

INTJ shadow  fits well with his long terms plans about getting to fight strong opponents and reduce them.  

ESFP super ego is what makes him go wild with strong stimulea in combat.  

There is not a lot of ISTJ subconscious  but we could argue this develops as he becomes companion with other hunters and displays some sense of honor. 

Isaac Netero
The Crafter

Ha ha ha. I see... That is good to hear. I found a challenger at my age. This is thilling, quite thrilling...” 

Isaac's intent is not so hard to determine. He is playful, and enjoys improvisation, challenges and strong stimulae.  He wants to perform gracefully while he explores interesting opponents.  He isn't theoretically or strategic about how to become powerful, as an Analyst intent would be.  He is of Explorer intent.
Now let's look at his interaction style. Although he is playful he isn't an expressive dynamo that is always starting interactions, inspiring others to be part of something and having fun with it. He is more often than not, collected, focused and deliberate.  This points to him being Cautious style.  
Looking at him from other angles, his decisions seem more rational than values oriented. He is more cold and calculating than warm or sensitive. As a thinker explorer ISTP , his aspirant Insight (Ni) and ENFJ subconcious looks for meaning and growth through prayer and contemplation.  
His ESTJ unconscious  manifests as he leads with strong foundations and honor. 
Lastly we could argue that his INFP super ego holds his more treasued values and the open- mindedness to believe humanity can evolve limitlessly and conquer any odd. 

The Dreamer

"You are like someone standing naked in a blizzard and wondering why it is cold."

Starting with his style,   I believe it is easy to determine that Wing is supportive.  He thinks before he acts or speaks. He is collected, introspective, calmed and has open energy.  When he speaks he is eloquent and informative.  At times he can be direct and intense but it is not his main style. This can come from his strict and conservative ESTJ subconcious that is well integrated for him as a teacher.   Or can come from his ENFJ shadow that is visionary, inspiring as well as directive.  
I also believe his intent if that of an idealist.  He is focused on the potential, self-realization and growth of his students. He often encourages students to find their own identity and be true to themselves. He is affiliative and abstract. 

The Executive

"I will definitely catch up!"

The first thing I noticed about Zushi is that he was expressive, fiery, intense.  He was also pretty direct so I think Driver style suits him.   
Later,  it was quite clear he was very polite and disciplined.  Straightforward and practical.  Not imaginative or philosophical but concrete and traditional, of Guardian intent. 
Efficacy (Te)  and Memory (Si)  seems right for his Hero and Counselor cognitive functions respectively.   
His ISTP shadow shows as well when he goes with the flow and forget about promises and rules in order to beat a rival in front of him. He had envy about the performance from Gon and Killua. His INFP subconscious shows as well when he displays his tender and soft side with the strong aspirant Morals (Fi) .

The Dreamer

"I don't want anyone else to end up like me."

Melody's interaction style is the easiest to determine and if that of  Supportive.  She avoids conflict, and is more relaxed than intense. More receptive than expressive and more informative than direct when she communicates.  
With her intent we need to look a little more into her speech, and we find she seems more affiliative and abstract.  As we look into her many quotes we can see that even when she is gifted with a keen hearing, her focus is on the meaning of these sensations and she uses them to uplift and become a catalizer for people.   Idealist intent seems just right. 
Although we could be tempted to say she is a Harmony (Fe) user,  because how warm and empathetic she is, we can also argue that she is more concerned with acting on her own Values (Fi) and often does not try to establish shared values with others, which result in scolding people or being more judgemental.  
We can also argue Ne used to read between the lines for people as she listens to them.  If she was a Ni user we could expect a more intense and fixed viewpoint of things that is often accompanied with a more fierce demeanor (caused by Sensations Se).  
Te can easily be argued as she es practical SPOILER: as seen in her deal with Kurapika when she discovers him.  
ENFJ shadow, as with all INFPs manifests by being empathetic, uplifting and the devoted to the single mission of protecting others from the song that damaged her. 
ESTJ duality we can see it with her with wanting to be protective and reliable as a hunter.  
Lastly,  ISTP super ego is ready to become a silent action hero that will risk her body for what needs to be done. She reminds me of Armin (from Attack on Titan) and Chopper (from One Piece). 
(Work in Progress)

Biscuit Krueger
The Inventor

"If they give it all they've got, they'll have to accept the results, whatever happens. But, I'll be happy enough if they at least figure out what they lack."

The Performer

"Which is more powerful? Your grudge or me?! Bring it on!!"

The Analyst

"Aw, he broke. Gotta look for another puppet."

Chrollo Lucifer
The Mastermind

"Together, we are the Spider. I'm its head, and you're the legs. The legs do what the head says. But there will be times when the legs are more important than the head. If I die, someone else will take over. My orders are of the utmost priority. My life is not. Be sure to make the right decision. I'm only a part of the Spider. What's important is the survival of the whole, not the individual."

The Mentor

Do you humans ever listen to the cries of mercy coming from pigs and cows you slaughter?

Ging Freecs
The Analyst

"You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you'll find things more important than what you want."

viernes, 3 de septiembre de 2021

Attack on Titan (Shingeki No Kyojin)


Eren Jeager
The Scoutmaster

"If you win, you live. If you lose, you die.
 If you don't fight you can't win."

Eren combines Explorer Intent with Driver Style like no other.  He has a focus on freedom, making an impact now and capitalizing on opportunities.  He is also very impatient, bold, and pushy,  mobilizing others with a sense of urgency.  He constantly does reality checks that ESTPs are known for. He will tell people the harsh truths about the current state of things, the immediate future. and how he thinks it should be fixed, based on his Logic (Ti). When he is not stuck into trying to change the external world, he is trying to make sense of things.  His Ethics (Fe) used to be cheerful and childlike when thinking about the ocean and what lied beyond the walls,  but as he suffered pain, and absorbed the suffering of his people, it became dramatic and bossy, blaming those who are coward or corrupt. His Senses (Se)  in the lead position makes him prone to action and comfortable with improvisation.  His Insight (Ni) in the Trainee gives him a general idea of what he wants, but not the steps to get there. That is something he develops as he grow into his  subconscious INFJ mind to build a vision for Eldians and align what he does to that end.  His ISTJ unconscious manifests when he is disciplined and obedient as a soldier, wanting to work with others.  Finally, his ENFP super ego comes out when he is centered on his emotions and values, and all sort of ideas about destroying his enemies seem worth of consideration.

Armin Arlert
The Dreamer

"If there's someone who can bring change,
 it will be someone willing to sacrifice what they care for."

Armin seems of  Idealist Intent, coupled with Supportive Style.  He is always looking for the ideal solution in which humans can get along.  The way he carries himself if very controlled, outcome oriented, and amiable, avoiding conflict. He displays leading  Morals (Fi)
with counselor Creativity (Ne).  His perception of the possibilities in the present and immediate future, together with his Memory (Si) and Efficacy (Te) that he has honed as an intellectual makes him a great problem solver.  His values are his own and as much as he cares for others, he usually does not push objective values on them. His subconscious ESTJ personality is his aspiration of becoming dependable and valuable to his community.  Similar to Tony Chopper in One Piece, who shares the same type, he wants to become a trustworthy man.  His ENFJ shadow shows when he is sensitive and empathetic, but also when he becomes dramatic,  emotionally expressive and even aggressive, to persuade others in extreme situations.  Lastly, his ISTP super ego comes out when he is willing to sacrifice or risk his body as an intense, focused action hero.


Mikasa Ackerman
The Crafter

“This world is cruel... but is also very beautiful.

It is difficult to deny that she values Senses (Se) and Insight (Ni). Mikasa is too focused and comfortable with jumping right into things. She is good at looking into the bigger picture and remind others to properly prioritize. She is Se over Ni because she is more of an improviser than a planner.  This results in her being an spontaneous Perceiver more than she is a structured Judger. Her natural behavior seems direct and attentive, Cautious Style. She values Logic (Ti) over Ethics (Fe) as she seems to be able to block her empathy for strangers with not a lot of difficulty and she follows her own reasoning with disregard for any common rationale. Her feelings are focused on Eren for the most part, and then her friends. She is emotionally more into others than herself. When she is under stress she becomes more expressive so that fits with her subconscious ENFJ and unconscious ESTJ sides of her mind. Core ISTP as a silent action hero (her default behavior), dual ENFJ as an expressive and direct leader with a good focus and vision (as when she thought Eren died), shadow ESTJ as tough protective mother that looks into the essentials for her family and community (this shows often as she scolds Eren) and last resort INFP as a dreamy, romantic sweet girl (like when she confessed her feelings to Eren). We can see all of these aspects of Mikasa so they seem like a good fit. She seems of Explorer Intent: An improviser, comfortable with risk, strong stimuli and doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. She also enjoys the beautiful expressions of nature and is a good tactician with an emphasis on good performance on the spot. 

Levi Ackerman
The Inspector

"This is just my opinion, but when it comes to teaching someone discipline,
 I think pain is the most effective way."

Levi has great shadow Senses (Se) at the Vigilante position. But, it is repressed by his Memory (Si), as he is usually following a plan. Levi is not usually an improviser, or looks for strong stimuli and sensory pleasure. He values a secure, orderly and clean environment. Counselor Efficacy (Te) with Critic Logic (Ti) fits too. He is practical and to the point, but with good understanding of the drawbacks and advantages of his methods. He isn't too sensitive but he is very positive about his own values and sentiments for the people he gets to care for.  His views on his comrades and his loyalty to the cause fits well with Guardian Intent. He is direct, attentive and collected which displays Cautious Style. His strong ESTP shadow focus is very evident in combat, showing amazing leadership and improvisation capabilities in extreme situations. Even building up character in his men or beating them up. If his shadow wasn't repressed by his ISTJ ego, he would be a bit more relaxed and loose on the rules and guidelines. More adventurous and would have a bit more fun.   His open minded, sympathetic side, in which he gives value to any decision a soldier could choose in a difficult situation, shows his ENFP subconscious.  Lastly,  we could say INFJ super ego manifests providing willpower and focus for the vision of saving humanity.  


Hange Zoë
The Inventor

"Even if all we accomplished were small steps forward... 
We continued to give our lives if it meant that one day...
 humanity would be free from this terror."

Hange's behavior is clearly Inspiring Style, being cheerful, animated,  expressive and open to go beyond her comfort zone.  Her motivations are of Theorist Intent, looking for understanding, mastery and knowledge.   Her Hero Creativity (Ne)  makes her very experimental and curious to find the answers for her Counselor Logic (Ti)  to process.  She wants to make sense of what is going in the world, as crazy as it might seem to common people.   Her developed ISTJ subconscious is what makes here a reliable soldier that can follow and enforce rules and guidelines.  Her INTJ unconscious helps her create a convergent vision or plan that she can use to achieve her goals as an investigator and leader.  Finally, her ESFP super ego shows when she is emotional, fierce, and ready to risk herself as a last resort.

Erwin Smith
The Commander

"Does that mean life is meaningless? Was there even any meaning in our being born? 
Would you say that of our fallen comrades? Their lives Were they meaningless? 
No, they weren't! It's us who gives meaning to our comrade's lives! 
The brave fallen! The anguished fallen! The ones who will remember them are us, the living!
We die trusting the living who follow to find meaning in our lives! 
That is the sole method in which we can rebel against this cruel world! 
My soldiers, rage! My soldiers, scream! My soldiers, fight!"

Erwin is direct,  expressive, decisive and outcome oriented.  A clear Driver Style.  He is also pragmatic, systematic and abstract, with a focus on the bigger picture and a vision to achieve his goals. These show Theorist Intent.   He is mostly concerned with Efficacy (Te), his Hero cognitive function, to organize and mobilize efforts to realize a master plan, conceived with his Counselor Insight (Ni).  Everything that he does needs to align to this.   His plans use people in a cold manner, as tools, an his ways can be brutal and aggressive with his Senses (Se) but deep down it is for a higher purpose  within his Morals (Fi), so humanity can come out of the cycle of ignorance and death.  In his ISFP subconscious is where he looks to improve his values and connect with direct reality, so his understanding of the world is better.  With his INTP unconscious he is able to more carefully consider ideas to find solutions and the truth behind deceit. Lastly,  his ESFJ super ego manifests when he upholds honor, sacrifice and duty with a caring heart and a joyful optimism in the face of danger.

Reiner Braun
The Host

"I don't know what's right anymore
 But I do know that I have to face the consequences of my actions
 And carry out my duty as a warrior to the end!"

Reiner is a comforting companion, who connects with the feelings and values of those around him. He is warm and joyful, demonstrating Hero Ethics (Fe) and Inspiring Style.  He is also very duty driven,  with a difficulty to develop a perspective outside of what he has absorbed from the environment into his Counselor Memory (Si). This shows Guardian Intent. His Aspirer Creativity (Ne) is playful when he is not serious, and as he matures during the story, he uses it to understand other perspectives.  His Trainee Logic (Ti), together with his INTP subconscious are well developed for combat,  but not so much to distinguish right from wrong until later in his growth.  His ISFP  unconscious can be seen when he is amiable and relaxed, enjoying with his friends.   The conflict he has with his sins as a warrior, causes him to have a split personality with his ENTJ super ego that can only see the mission in a detached manner,  doing whatever needs to be done, with the decisiveness, willpower and ferocity.

Berthold Hoover
The Artist

"You're Not A Soldier. We're Warriors."

Berthold is amiable, calmed, controlled and attentive, thus Supportive style.  He also goes with the flow, looking for opportunities to make a difference. He does not demonstrate any fixed structure, ideal or intellectual drive. He only adapts to the situation, and performs as best as he can.  Explorer Intent seems like the best fit for him, as well as Senses (Se) in the Counselor position.  He has no trouble separating his feelings from those around him, contrary to Annie and Reiner.  He doesn't absorb or push objective values from and to others.  He only does what he wants to do and let others do the same.  Morals (Fi) in the Hero position is a good fit for him. He aspires to Efficacy (Te) and completing the mission, becoming at some point the most decisive warrior among his companions from Marley.  In this attitude, his ENTJ subconscious manifests, and his Aspirer Insight(Ni) helps him focus and add his actions to a vision.

Annie Leonheart
The Mentor

"You are saying that innately, all people are good, and if they were to just assume their nature, this organization wouldn't be so rotten, right? But in my opinion, the structure of the organization, the way it is set up is what provides insight into what the true human nature really is."

Annie is melancholic, intense, receptive and deliberate, demonstrating Cautious Style.  Displays deep understanding of the human nature and society, and seems to feel deeply about following a path of meaning and do the right thing. Something she know she isn't doing and makes see herself in a bad light.  She communicates with abstract speech. This fits well with Idealist Intent. She is not able to escape her Hero Insight (Ni) and has a hard time not connecting emotionally with others through her Counselor Ethics (Fe) , causing her to prefer avoiding interaction with the companions she knows cannot be friends with.  As a warrior, and soldier, her Trainee Sense (Se), together with her ESTP subconscious are well developed for combat and improvisation, in which she is smart and vicious. When she revealed herself in front of Armin, being emotional and playful, we can see her ENFP unconscious.  Her ISTJ super ego comes out when everything has failed and the only thing she has left are her most sacred duties, carried out with intense efficacy. This happens as she focus on the mission, his father and her upbringing.  

The Mastermind

“Do you always want to live hiding behind the mask you put up for the sake of others?
 You're you, And there's nothing wrong with that."

Ymir is calculating, more serious than relaxed,  conflict seeker and observant, demonstrating Cautious Style.   She seems to have a pretty good understanding of the big picture, and attempts to take advantage of the organizations she comes across in order to survive. This fits well with Theorist Intent.  Her Hero Insight (Ni) makes her usually devise a grand plan and have her actions go according to them, for the most part. She leaves little things to chance. She has good understanding of the thinking structure around her, to which he adapts through her Counselor Efficacy (Te).  Her Trainee Senses (Se) as well as her ESFP subconscious is shown often, when she laughs and has fun, and when she is forced to improvise in a tough situation.  Her ENTP shadow is also very strong with her sarcastic/trollish humor and when she picks up patterns quickly in her surroundings.  Her ISFJ super ego holds her dearest sentiments and memories, most of which are repressed and come to the surface for the ultimate sacrifice  when she is willing to give it all for them. 

Historia Reiss
The Protector

“Even if you have your reasons and there are things you can’t tell me,
 no matter what, I’m on your side.”

Although Historia will fight for what she thinks is right, she is mostly amiable, sweet, and a good listener. Supportive Style is her best fit.  On the motivation side, she seems to revolve around duty, belonging, stability and tradition. This demonstrates Guardian Intent, and in her case, goes well with Hero Memory (Si), which he uses to attend to the physical needs and comfort of others, together with  her Counselor Ethics (Fe) that makes her very responsible,  caring and in tune to what others expect from her. Her Trainee Creativity (Ne) allows her to think outside of the box and as she matures , she is able to design new solutions she is confident about, using with her Aspirer Logic (Ti), the gateway to  her ENTP subconscious. Her animosity and grace over unexpected situations is well explained with her unconscious ESFP .  Lastly, her INTJ  super ego comes to play when no pleasant solutions are available, other than the a rational vision of what needs to be done.  This shows when she discovers the truth about herself and Eren. 

Jean Kirstein
The Executive

“The future of humanity will be doomed. Having said that,
 I’m not about to sit around while we all get slaughtered.”

Jean is realistic and concrete, with a very strong emphasis on security and stability.  Guardian Intent is evident.   He is intense, bossy, expressive and outcome oriented,  demonstrating Driver Style.  He often fights with Eren because both are drivers, which tend to reach understanding through conflict. With his Hero Efficacy (Te)  he attempts to complete missions without miscalculations and considering the capabilities of his companions adequately.  Marco told him he was a good leader because of these qualities.   His Counselor (Si) helps him with this, using the tried and true, observing his team carefully and being methodical.  As with all well developed ESTJs, his idealistic and sentimental side helps him connect with others, accept other perspective and find peace after conflict, with his INFP subconscious.  This also shows in his romantic self with Mikasa.  His repressed ISTP unconscious is strong, and comes out when he is confident in his abilities to adapt and perform with precision, skill and focus. Lastly, his most repressed ENFJ side, his super ego, shows his ideals, with intense emotions, sensitivity and expressiveness, to set things rights. 

Sasha Blouse
The Savior

"If we turn our back on hunting we turn our back on who we are."

Sasha is expressive, joyful and process oriented, demonstrating Inspiring Style.  Her motivations revolve around meaning,  identity,  and growth.  Idealist Intent seems like the best fit. She is said to be talented at operating unconventionally and with that being unfit for organized activity.  This, together with the fact that she is extroverted, suggests Hero Creativity (Ne). Her decisions doesn't seem to come from a place of reason, but from her values and whims. Counselor Morals (Fi) seems like good fit.  Her ISTJ subconscious shows from her attachment to the ways of her people and the Trainee Memory (Si) that holds her hunter habits.  Her liking to Meat and Potato as well as her instincts doesn't necessarily mean valued Sensation (Se) as she seems disconnected from reality for the most part and could be explained by her Devil Se and her ESFP super ego, that manifests by keeping her grounded, alert to her surroundings and in touch with her primal needs.  

Connie Springer
The Performer

"I...want to become a soldier my mother would be proud of. 
So...let's go and save some people in trouble."

Connie is expressive, unfocused and enthusiastic, displaying Inspiring Style.  He seems concrete, present, performance and fun oriented,  dealing with situation as they arise, and getting bored with routine, which seems Explorer Intent. This, together with his initiating style, makes Hero Sensation (Se) a good fit.  Similar to Sasha, most of her decisions come from a place of values and whims. Although he likes to play around with his friends, often making jokes, he wishes to be appreciated and respected.  He is in touch with his emotions.   Counselor Morals (Fi) seems correct for him.  He sometimes recognizes he is not clever and at times make jokes about him being a genius.  His Aspirant Efficacy (Te) pushes him to find practical and simple solutions. His Trainee Insight (Ni) makes him want to understand the underlying patterns of events around him but has troubles doing so. His ISFJ unconscious shows when he is supportive and worries for his friends and duties. His INTJ subconscious manifests when he finally figures out patterns and that understanding allows him to plan ahead. His ENTP super ego is seen when he needs to think out of the box, or defend himself and become cold, creative, sarcastic and trollish. 

Marco Bodt
The Captain

"It's not like we're afraid to die... but...
 what the hell are we dying for?"

Marco is very insightful,  encouraging and seeks deep meaning in his actions. He is also a good judge of character and incites open communication and understanding. All of these demonstrates Idealist Intent.  Although he helps other realize and fulfill their potential,  his capacity to lead comes natural and that shows as he is given command of his own squad. This talent, as well as his intensity and expressiveness makes Driver Style a good fit for him. His orderliness, high empathy and soothing personality, that also becomes dramatic and persuasive when a serious situation comes up,  makes sense with Hero Ethics (Fe) , while his focus and acute big picture perception from people and situations seems right with Counselor Insight (Ni).   Him, wanting to give a good experience to others, being comfortable with intense situations and thinking on his feet comes from his Aspirant Sensation (Se).  Finally,  his intuition seems to have a good Trainee Logic support as he is said to be mentally sharp, so it is easy for him to figure out lies and analyze clues and patterns he comes across.  His ISTP subconscious shows when he is reasonable, analytical and in tune with the physical world during dangerous circumstances.   His INFP unconscious manifest when he is a receptive good listener with open perspectives and when he talks about his personal dreams and wishes.  His ESTJ superego shows up when the problem at hand requires outstanding discipline, procedure and execution with no room for mistakes and orders must be given without sugar coating. 

Zeke Jaeger
The Analyst

"So long as there are eldians, this hell will never end! If you don't do this now, this bloodshed will never stop. What we've repeated so many times will only continue for eternity."

Zeke is attentive, calmed, relaxed and takes his time for the best possible outcome, demonstrating Supportive Style.  He is also pragmatic,  complex, with a focus on mastery and knowledge.  He has a talent for Strategy, which displays Theorist Intent.  His Hero Logic (Ti)  coupled with Advisor Creativity (Ne) makes him a deep thinker with unique ideas and a dark sense of humor.  His Devil Morals (Fi)  together with his Trainee Ethics (Fe)  manifests as being devoid of principles and prone to manipulation with his ESFJ subconscious.  His ENTJ unconscious shows when he commands others with a single vision built in his Critic Insight (Ni) and carried out with coldness and structure by his Vigilante Efficacy (Te). His core ideals, intensity and bravery resides in his ISFP super ego, that he will go into in desperate situations to adapt to the environment, survive and carry out his desires.

Grisha Jeager
The Mentor

"I should've known just how sinful it is for parents to indoctrinate their own children."

Grisha is collected, direct, with deliberate decisions and focused energy, which demonstrate Cautious Style.  He is also righteous, insightful,  with a focus on meaning, significance and benevolence. This resonates with Idealistic Intent.  His Hero Insight (Ni)  with Counselor (Fe) makes him a visionary with deep focus and empathy. He is willing to bring new objective values to the world with the help of his Aspirant Logic (Ti) and Trainee Sensation (Se)  from his subconscious ESTP  that gets into action valiantly with a good understanding of how things work and can be deconstructed.  His son Eren, inherited this ESTP personality type, interestingly.   His ENFP subconscious is what allows him to be creative in the construction of his vision and understand his own sentiments. His ISTJ super ego holds his core values, impression that use harsh methods to bring order when everything else has failed.   

The Artist

“You couldn’t save your mom because you… weren’t strong enough.
 I didn’t face the Titan… because I wasn’t brave enough.”

Hannes is laid back,  attentive and difficult to get out of his comfort zone.  He seems to be Supportive Style.  His core motivations seems to be around fun, going with the flow,  adapt and perform gracefully in the moment,  which shows Explorer Intent. His Hero Morals (Fi) makes him mostly concerned with his own enjoyment and interests, only going out of his way when someone in his inner circle needs help.  His Counselor Sensation (Se) makes him adept at assessing the situation,  consider his limits and act appropriately. He isn't too worried about the state of world when the story begins. He then grows to become braver and risks more for the sake of his values.  His ENTJ subconscious arises when he becomes serious, focused and the sum of his experiences converges into a vision of what most be done, and in the most practical and efficient way.  His ESFJ unconscious is caring and protective of his friends and community.  Lastly, his INTP super ego can think out of the box and conceive solutions he would never try in normal circumstances. 

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2021

Tales of Vesperia

Yuri Lowell
Extroverted Sensor Thinker Perceiver
The Scoutmaster

"Thinking about stuff too much just makes my head hurt. I prefer moving my body, rather than those rusty gears in my head."

He is very concrete and "what is" instead of "what if" person. He is not about speculation. Every time the team needs to decide, he says things like "we should go a and see", "we will know when we get there". He says he doesn't like hypothetical situations. He is so in the moment and present oriented. He is good at adapting and deciding at the last moment. Se hero fits well with him. He seems like a natural leader, always pushing forward and pointing out a direction when the team is doubtful. ESTP instead of ISTP is more of a pusher/doer like he is.

Estellise Sidos Heurassein
Introverted iNtuitive Feeler Perceiver
The Dreamer

"I have to know more about myself and take responsibility for who I am."

She seems like ISFJ at first but her creativity and insights about people demonstrate higher intuition and Ne fits. Si is still in third position so that helps with her memory about the many topics she reads.  She is also very curious and don't conform with traditions.  What she is supposed to do as a princess hast little weight in front of what he she feels she must do and the possibilities she sees. She is idealistic and spontaneous with no signs of wanting other to match her values, but she is more focused on follow her own morality.

Karol Capel
Extroverted Sensor Feeler Judger
The Host

"If you work together, you can do a lot more and make a lot more people happy. I realized that traveling with everyone. I like that a lot more."

Karol is very fun and upbeat, Inspiring Style, which can seem like ESFP, but unlike it,  he demonstrates Guardian Intent,  wanting belonging, community, and responsibility.  During his journey he discovers that is more valuable to him than adventure and showing off.  He is also affiliative, wanting to do the right thing, while ESFPs are pragmatic.  He is concrete and sensitive.  His creativity comes from his playful and optimistic Aspirer Ne. 

Rita Mordio
Extroverted iNtuitive Thinker Judger
The Commander

"Why didn't you say something?! Were you gonna save the world all on your own? Are you stupid?"

Rita is all about theories, knowledge and competence.  She has an evident Theorist Intent.  She demonstrate strong Driver Style being very direct, bossy, pushy and outcome oriented.  At times, she shows his shadow INTP side of the mind when she opens herself to look at the many possibilities to come with a solution.  

Introverted iNtuitive Thinker Perceiver
The Analyst

"How do I put it...? I already died once. Now I'm thinking about a bunch of stuff..."

This character is complex.  He at times seems like a character with Explorer Intent that just wanders by, looking for experiences and sensory pleasures. He is clearly a Supportive/Phlegmatic Style character, often calmed, controlled, a good listener and has a hard time getting out of his comfort zone. Giving this, the options we have are ISFP, INTP, ISFJ and INFP.  You will see as he progresses in the story that he shifts loyalty and his morals don't seem to be that valued or dominant in his personality so that removes ISFP or INFP that have strong Fi and ISFJ that is Guardian Intent.  His trollish, insensitive humor, typical of NTPs and imagination are very present in his dialogues so Ne use can be argued.  He is also quite analytical and attempts to find the advantages in any system he gets in and perfect whatever role he is put at, which fits well with Theorist Intent and INTP.  Lastly,  you see that behind his apparent lack of principles, he develops loyalty and attachments to the groups he gets in, and shows a charming, protective and fun attitude that goes well with ESFJ subconscious.  His inferior Fe can be seen when he resents being rejected or mistreated by others even if he isn't too sensitive about it. 

Patty Fleur
Extroverted iNtuitive Feeler Perceiver
The Savior

"If you only think negatively, only bad stuff's going to happen. So just think positively!"

I think Patty has the charming, imaginative, enthusiastic and philosophical personality of an Idealist Intent coupled with Inspiring Style. His ESFP Super Ego shows through her Se in the Demon position.  She always wants to appear brave as to go for her dreams and goals. Her Te in the Aspirer position also is evident when she pushes other around.  But it is clear that her feeler side is stronger. 

Introverted Sensor Thinker Perceiver
The Crafter

"Of course I'm worried. That's why we should calm down and think rationally, right?"

She is a difficult character to type, and very balanced and mature, but here is my take: She doesn't sugar coat her thoughts or demonstrate high empathy. She might seem sweet, feminine and playful but that is a way of teasing and being friendly, but not necessarily makes her a character that wears emotions in her sleeves. She is more rational than sensitive. Judith is clearly Chart The Course/Melancholic/Cautious, conflict seeker and often focused, telling the team what they should be doing and informing when they are disrupting the course of the mission.  Her ENFJ subconscious can be seen when she comforts and lift up others, often understanding what drives them. 

Flynn Scyfo
Introverted Sensor Thinker Judger
The Inspector

"Just saying that doesn't make it right for individuals to judge right from wrong, or for you to operate your own private court of law! If the laws are at fault, then fixing those laws comes first. It's for that very reason that I'm still with the Imperial Knights!"

Flynn is difficult between ISFJ and ISTJ. He is for certain a character with Guardian Intent. Driven by community,  authority, stability, responsibility. He is mostly concrete and affiliative, wanting to do the right thing instead of what works, contrary to his friend Yuri. If you look closely, as gentle as he can be, he is always pointing out what needs to be done and he is serious about it.  He is said to be rigid and intense, more than he is calming and comforting.   This Cautious Intent result in ISTJ.  He honestly reminds me of Captain America, who shares the same type.  Si Te Fi fits good with him, because he is stiff with the ways of law , and wants to bring order while he holds his values without being swayed by other people.   He also shows and idealistic, philosophical, even playful side, beneath his firmness about rules and regulations. That fits perfectly with ENFP subconscious in where he looks for balance. Interestingly enough, his shadow personality is ESTP, the personality of Yuri, so Yuri shadow personality is ISTJ, that of Flynn.  So each one of them has the repressed personality of the other, who is always present , helping from the hidden, and not receiving much credit.  So as Flynn matures and stops worrying about using his own logic and exploration to resolve problems, he becomes more similar to Yuri, which on the other hand, becomes more aware of his shadow, starts working with the system and enjoying being part of a community and helps others while he travels.  They both accept their unconscious personality, that has always been there.