miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2021

Tales of Vesperia

Yuri Lowell
Extroverted Sensor Thinker Perceiver
The Scoutmaster

"Thinking about stuff too much just makes my head hurt. I prefer moving my body, rather than those rusty gears in my head."

He is very concrete and "what is" instead of "what if" person. He is not about speculation. Every time the team needs to decide, he says things like "we should go a and see", "we will know when we get there". He says he doesn't like hypothetical situations. He is so in the moment and present oriented. He is good at adapting and deciding at the last moment. Se hero fits well with him. He seems like a natural leader, always pushing forward and pointing out a direction when the team is doubtful. ESTP instead of ISTP is more of a pusher/doer like he is.

Estellise Sidos Heurassein
Introverted iNtuitive Feeler Perceiver
The Dreamer

"I have to know more about myself and take responsibility for who I am."

She seems like ISFJ at first but her creativity and insights about people demonstrate higher intuition and Ne fits. Si is still in third position so that helps with her memory about the many topics she reads.  She is also very curious and don't conform with traditions.  What she is supposed to do as a princess hast little weight in front of what he she feels she must do and the possibilities she sees. She is idealistic and spontaneous with no signs of wanting other to match her values, but she is more focused on follow her own morality.

Karol Capel
Extroverted Sensor Feeler Judger
The Host

"If you work together, you can do a lot more and make a lot more people happy. I realized that traveling with everyone. I like that a lot more."

Karol is very fun and upbeat, Inspiring Style, which can seem like ESFP, but unlike it,  he demonstrates Guardian Intent,  wanting belonging, community, and responsibility.  During his journey he discovers that is more valuable to him than adventure and showing off.  He is also affiliative, wanting to do the right thing, while ESFPs are pragmatic.  He is concrete and sensitive.  His creativity comes from his playful and optimistic Aspirer Ne. 

Rita Mordio
Extroverted iNtuitive Thinker Judger
The Commander

"Why didn't you say something?! Were you gonna save the world all on your own? Are you stupid?"

Rita is all about theories, knowledge and competence.  She has an evident Theorist Intent.  She demonstrate strong Driver Style being very direct, bossy, pushy and outcome oriented.  At times, she shows his shadow INTP side of the mind when she opens herself to look at the many possibilities to come with a solution.  

Introverted iNtuitive Thinker Perceiver
The Analyst

"How do I put it...? I already died once. Now I'm thinking about a bunch of stuff..."

This character is complex.  He at times seems like a character with Explorer Intent that just wanders by, looking for experiences and sensory pleasures. He is clearly a Supportive/Phlegmatic Style character, often calmed, controlled, a good listener and has a hard time getting out of his comfort zone. Giving this, the options we have are ISFP, INTP, ISFJ and INFP.  You will see as he progresses in the story that he shifts loyalty and his morals don't seem to be that valued or dominant in his personality so that removes ISFP or INFP that have strong Fi and ISFJ that is Guardian Intent.  His trollish, insensitive humor, typical of NTPs and imagination are very present in his dialogues so Ne use can be argued.  He is also quite analytical and attempts to find the advantages in any system he gets in and perfect whatever role he is put at, which fits well with Theorist Intent and INTP.  Lastly,  you see that behind his apparent lack of principles, he develops loyalty and attachments to the groups he gets in, and shows a charming, protective and fun attitude that goes well with ESFJ subconscious.  His inferior Fe can be seen when he resents being rejected or mistreated by others even if he isn't too sensitive about it. 

Patty Fleur
Extroverted iNtuitive Feeler Perceiver
The Savior

"If you only think negatively, only bad stuff's going to happen. So just think positively!"

I think Patty has the charming, imaginative, enthusiastic and philosophical personality of an Idealist Intent coupled with Inspiring Style. His ESFP Super Ego shows through her Se in the Demon position.  She always wants to appear brave as to go for her dreams and goals. Her Te in the Aspirer position also is evident when she pushes other around.  But it is clear that her feeler side is stronger. 

Introverted Sensor Thinker Perceiver
The Crafter

"Of course I'm worried. That's why we should calm down and think rationally, right?"

She is a difficult character to type, and very balanced and mature, but here is my take: She doesn't sugar coat her thoughts or demonstrate high empathy. She might seem sweet, feminine and playful but that is a way of teasing and being friendly, but not necessarily makes her a character that wears emotions in her sleeves. She is more rational than sensitive. Judith is clearly Chart The Course/Melancholic/Cautious, conflict seeker and often focused, telling the team what they should be doing and informing when they are disrupting the course of the mission.  Her ENFJ subconscious can be seen when she comforts and lift up others, often understanding what drives them. 

Flynn Scyfo
Introverted Sensor Thinker Judger
The Inspector

"Just saying that doesn't make it right for individuals to judge right from wrong, or for you to operate your own private court of law! If the laws are at fault, then fixing those laws comes first. It's for that very reason that I'm still with the Imperial Knights!"

Flynn is difficult between ISFJ and ISTJ. He is for certain a character with Guardian Intent. Driven by community,  authority, stability, responsibility. He is mostly concrete and affiliative, wanting to do the right thing instead of what works, contrary to his friend Yuri. If you look closely, as gentle as he can be, he is always pointing out what needs to be done and he is serious about it.  He is said to be rigid and intense, more than he is calming and comforting.   This Cautious Intent result in ISTJ.  He honestly reminds me of Captain America, who shares the same type.  Si Te Fi fits good with him, because he is stiff with the ways of law , and wants to bring order while he holds his values without being swayed by other people.   He also shows and idealistic, philosophical, even playful side, beneath his firmness about rules and regulations. That fits perfectly with ENFP subconscious in where he looks for balance. Interestingly enough, his shadow personality is ESTP, the personality of Yuri, so Yuri shadow personality is ISTJ, that of Flynn.  So each one of them has the repressed personality of the other, who is always present , helping from the hidden, and not receiving much credit.  So as Flynn matures and stops worrying about using his own logic and exploration to resolve problems, he becomes more similar to Yuri, which on the other hand, becomes more aware of his shadow, starts working with the system and enjoying being part of a community and helps others while he travels.  They both accept their unconscious personality, that has always been there.

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