viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2019

Seven Deadly Sins

Meliodas "Dragon's Sin of Wrath"
The Artist
Introverted Sensor Feeler Perceiver

"No matter what lies you tell. You can't fool your own heart."

Supportive Style:  
Is amiable, responsive and controlling over his comfort zone.  He has open energy and takes his time to make consultative decisions for the best possible result. 

Explorer Intent

Values freedom, fun, adventure and to give a good performance.  He is carefree and likes to explore via experience. 

Functional Stack 

Hero  - Morals (Feelingintroverted):  
Stays true to his values and it is not easily affected by how others feel. He is more friendly than cold and wants others to like him. 

Counselor Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 
Goes into situations without much preparation and has confidence with improvising in the spot.  He enjoys exploration, touching, tweaking and measuring by himself. 

Aspirer  Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):  
Uses this process to make sense of his experiences and to have some optimistic goal behind his wandering. 

Trainee - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):  
Is not a deep thinker but keeps things simple and seek help and external references regarding things he cannot easily solve. 

His ENTJ subconscious is what he uses to lead when things get serious and there is need for commands, vision, character and maybe a quick plan. His ESFJ unconscious is used when he is caring and wants people around him to feel comfortable and safe.  Along with his Explorer intent, this side of his mind wants other to be motivated and engaged.   Finally,  his INTP  super ego might come out during his rages, to be cold and creative,  even trollish when he is about to unleash his power to destroy his foes.   

Ban "Fox's Sin of Greed"
The Scoutmaster
Extroverted Sensor Thinker Perceiver

"If you’re not gonna fight, get the hell out of here. That half-assed attitude ain’t saving anyone. It’ll only get you and your comrades killed."

Driver Style:  
Is direct,  expressive and outcome oriented.  Although he is playful, he is usually very critical and pushy, and will be on his on way if the group does not follow when he feels he needs to do something. He has decisive energy and quick decisions for an achievable result.
Explorer Intent:  
Values freedom, fun and adventure.  Jumps into action without much planning.  He is mostly concrete, pragmatic and motives oriented. 

Functional Stack  

Hero Sensation (Sensingextroverted):   
Is very action oriented and stimuli seeker.  Ban is pretty confident in dealing with situations on the spot.  He is also able to heal damage and he knows what his limits are. 

Counselor - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):  
Sees things in terms of what works and makes sense for him. He is more cold and sentimental with his decisions even if his intentions are noble, deep down.  Ban can easily irritate others with his reality checks. 

Aspirer - Ethics (Feelingextroverted):   
Might upset others with his aggressiveness and thinking but will then be playful and charming to try to please others.  

Trainee Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):  
Has a vague sense of what he wants but he is slowly finding his vision and aligning his experiences with it. 

His INFJ subconscious can be seen whenever he wants to mentor or lift up someone.  His ISTJ unconscious shows with his love for Elaine, and when he is protective and loyal with her or his friends.  Finally, his ENFP super ego will show when everything else has failed and he wants to burn everything to the ground, becoming more idealistic, creative, emotional and self centered.  

Diane "Serpent's Sin of Envy"
The Host
Extroverted Sensor Feeler Judger

"Nobody can erase the really precious memories!"

Inspiring Style:  
Is engaging, fun loving,  process oriented and informative.  

Guardian Intent:
Values community, stability, and duty. She is mostly concrete,  roles oriented and wants to do the right thing.

Functional Stack 

Hero - Ethics (Feelingextroverted): 
Wants to build harmonious relationships with others. She is a pleaser and selfless when she cares for someone.  

Counselor - Memory (Sensingintroverted):
Prefers stability and the tried and true.  Diane values precious memories of her people and what he lived with King.  She likes to provide comfort for the concrete needs of others. 

Aspirer - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):
Can become dreamy when in love and can also think of crazy reasons for things when she lacks the facts. 

Trainee - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Is focused on what makes sense to her and can easily overthink when stressed. 

Diane displays her INTP subconscious when she put her logic and creativity at work, to come with a solution.  Her ISFP unconscious shows when she becomes an emotional brawler and can improvise on the spot. Her ENTJ super ego can be seen when she is really mad and becomes cold, aggressive, focused on her vision and imposes her thoughts and values on others.

King "Grizzly's Sin of Sloth"
The Mentor
Introverted iNtuitive Feeler Judger

“My feelings for you will never change.”

Cautious Style:  
Is introspective, direct and critical.  King has focused energy with deliberate decisions.  

Idealist Intent:
Is sentimental and a dreamer.  He focuses on meaning, benevolence and authenticity.  King is abstract,  motives oriented, and wants to do the right thing. 

Functional Stack 

Hero Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):
Lives in the world of possibilities and is usually contemplating what his path should be.  

Counselor - Ethics (Feelingextroverted): 
Is a worrier about doing what others expect of him.  Most of his decisions are driven by his heart.  

Aspirer - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Can often be very perfectionist and cold when he uses this process.  When he first reunites with the group, he shows this side of his personality. 

Trainee Sensation (Sensingextroverted):
He is sometimes insecure about his performance.  King can become very aggressive and bold when he is set on doing something. 

His ESTP subconscious can be seeing when he become an action hero, or is very bossy, intense, critical, and want to push others to do things.  His ENFP unconscious shows when he dreams about what he personally desires and reflects on his sentiments with optimism and hope,  sometimes sadness.  When his ISTJ super ego comes out, he will protect what is dear to him,  detecting what is causing issues and removing that from his life.  

Gowther "Goat's Sin of Lust"
The Analyst
Introverted iNtuitive Thinker Perceiver

Memories are merely information. Creating or erasing them is not difficult. What I want to understand... is the “emotion” that reaches beyond them."

Supportive Style: 
Is calmed,  cooperative, informative, introspective and controlling over her comfort zone. Gowther has open energy and looks for the best possible result. 

Theorist Intent:

Focuses on knowledge, mastery and competence.  He looks to understand emotions and other races from a logical standpoint.   Gowther is always looking at possibilities and theories for efficiency and truth.  He is abstract, systems oriented and prefer to do what works. 

Functional Stack 

Hero - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Is always looking for the truth and to make sense of things.  Gowther has a tendency to annoy others when telling uncomfortable truths. He is quite perfectionistic. 

Counselor - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):
Is very creative and contemplates many scenarios when looking for the truth and improvements. 

Aspirer - Memory (Sensingintroverted):
Uses this process to analyze detailed information.  Gowther has power that work over memory and he himself think of them as information that can be useful or discarded to help people. 

Trainee - Ethics (Feelingextroverted): 
Does not have a sense of right and wrong but can worry about being unpleasant to others.  

His ESFJ subconscious can be seen when he tries to be polite and caring, addressing his annoying behaviors when he looks and talks about the truth.  His ENTJ subconscious come out when he gets serious and commanding, even aggressive. His ISFP super-ego shows when in a dangerous situation, he will be very sharp, aggressive, concrete and self centered to remove the problem.  

Merlin "Boar's Sin of Gluttony"
The Commander
Extroverted iNtuitive Thinker Judger

"Think. And find the answer for yourselves. A human ceases to be once he or she stops thinking."

Driver Style:  
She is commanding, direct, expressive and outcome oriented.  Merlin has decisive energy and quick decisions.  She is a natural and charismatic leader. 

Theorist Intent:
Values competence, knowledge and mastery.  She is always looking at what is possible to create better magical items and become more powerful.  She is a visionary regarding results and procedures. Merlin is abstract, will do what works,  and is systems oriented. 

Functional Stack 

Hero - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):
Although capable of deep thinking and understanding with her Logic in the Vigilante (6th) position, she will focus on what can work and can be understood by others more easily. She has high capacity to manage resources and handle people like chess pieces.  And she does this in a very rational and cold manner, that doesn't necessarily means she is heartless.  She is skilled at explaining facts to her comrades.

Counselor Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):
Has a great ability to foresee what needs to be done and can come up with plans and mobilize resources without losing sight of the big picture. She is also very good at seeing how many events or bits of information reveal a pattern and can use his thinking and intuition to visualize inventions and solutions.

Aspirer Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 
Is comfortable with aggressive and impactful expression.  She is able to make quick decisions and actions when things don't go as planned. Merlin can understand her surroundings with good sharpness when she pays attention. 

Trainee - Morals (Feelingintroverted):
Is not very empathetic or caring about morals,  but cares for his companions and has some deep feelings for his friends, and specially for Escanor.  

Her ISFP subconscious can be seen when she is relaxed, caring and sensation focused, when she can improvise and adapt on the spot.  Her INTP unconscious is seeing when she analyzes deeply and consider possibilities for her plans and inventions.  Finally, her ESFJ super ego will protect what is really important to her, using the most reliable methods and information in her memory with creativity, emotion and eloquence to overcome the situation. 

Escanor "Lion's Sin of Pride"
The Inspector
Introverted Sensor Thinker Judger

"Calmness is the hallmark of those who are mighty."

Cautious Style:
Is introspective,  responsive, direct and process oriented.  Escanor has focused energy with deliberate decisions. He often calmly tell his opponents the harsh truth about the defeat they are about to experience.

Guardian Intent:
Is mostly concrete and rightful. Escanor values tradition, loyalty, safety and duty.  

Functional Stack  

Hero - Memory (Sensingintroverted):
Is stability and comfort oriented.  Escanor prefers elegance and properness in his clothing and manners. 

Counselor - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):
Is not a deep thinker but he is expressive and measured about the simple facts he sees, such as stating about his power and the weakness of his enemies. In this sense, he seems more rational than sentimental.

Aspirer - Morals (Feelingintroverted):
Is not very empathetic but feels deeply about his values, regarding honor, love and pride.

Trainee - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):
Uses this process when dreaming about love or coming up with poetry.  It can also come out when he is worried about what might happen. 

His ENFP subconscious shows when he is poetic, idealist and loyal with his feelings.  His ESTP  subconscious shows when he is commanding, sharp and aggressive to protect his pride and show his prowess.  Finally, his INFJ  super-ego  can come out in dangerous situations where he will obliterate his enemies or sacrifice himself for his ideals.  

Hawk "Captain Leftovers"
The Captain
Extroverted iNtuitive Feeler Judger

"You have angered the one guy you shouldn't have!"

Driver Style:
Is very pushy, commanding and intense.  Has decisive energy and quick decisions.  Hawk is conflict seeking, direct and outcome oriented.

Idealist Intent:
Is abstract in the way he perceives himself and acts on his feelings and dreams.  Hawk is rightful and motives oriented.   He values significance and authenticity.  

Functional Stack

Hero - Ethics (Feelingextroverted): 
Is expressive, persuasive and dramatic, affecting other emotions easily. When not pushing others around he contributes to the group with an optimistic and go getter attitude.  He is also always scolding Meliodas for his improper attitudes.

Counselor - Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):
Does not live in the concrete world, but in a dream world where he sees himself as a brave warrior.  Hawk has an heroic vision that is far from reality and can be dangerous but he handles himself enough as to use it to be bold and helpful to the group.

Aspirer - Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 
Has natural aggressiveness and toughness,  able to withstand and unleash impactful experiences.  Can adapt to stimulated or extreme situations on the spot.

Trainee - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Is able to analyze situations when raw emotion and sensation can now do the job.  He usually does not care what others think and has his own framework of truths.

Hawk shows his ISTP subconscious when becoming a clever action hero in dangerous situations.  His INFP subconscious is often displayed when he talks about his values and pride, and acts like a dreamer that can find a way to triumph against all odds. This side of his mind is also used when he becomes receptive and revises his feelings. Finally, his ESTJ super-ego is the taskmaster that will remember all the wrongs other have done and make them comply with force, and remove everything that is causing harm from a rational perspective.

Elizabeth Liones "Apostle of the Goddesses"
The Protector
Introverted Sensor Feeler Judger

I may not be a knight but...I will keep fighting for the kingdom and its people.

Supportive Style:  
Is responsive,  amiable, cooperative, informative and outcome focused.  She has open energy with consultative decisions and looks for the best possible result. 

Guardian Intent:  

Values safety,  community, tradition and loyalty.  Elizabeth is mostly concrete,  duty oriented and wants to do the right thing. 

Functional Stack   

Hero - Memory (Sensingintroverted):

Has deeply held memories of his family, friends and duties as a base for her actions.  She has strong resilience and toughness from his Sensation in the Vigilante (5th) position. 

Counselor - Ethics (Feelingextroverted)

Is very selfless and devoted to the need of others.  Elizabeth has a very harmonious personality and can easily make friends with her elegant sweetness and good intentions. 

Aspirer - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):

Can overthink things when her feelings are confused or the situation requires her to introspect more and come up with something.  She can be perfectionist with the duties she thinks she should fulfill. 

Trainee - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):

Can tap into her imagination to dream and draw strength or can think of many possible scenarios to consider in her decisions. 

Her ENTP subconscious can come out as she expresses her worries and the problems or opportunities she can imagine. Her ESFP subconscious can come out when she is relaxed, and she can be herself, have a good time and give others a good experience.  Finally, her INTJ super-ego can come out when everything has fall apart and she is fixed on her vision of what she should do and will do so in the most effective way she can think of. 


martes, 17 de diciembre de 2019

Umbrella Academy

Luther "Number 1" Hargreeves
The Inspector
Introverted Sensor Thinker Judger

"It'll get easier. Some things just take time."

Cautious Style:
Is introspective, focused and direct.  Has a natural tendency to make plans and tell the team what they should be doing. 

Guardian Intent:  Is duty, responsibility and community oriented.  He usually trusts his mentors and the values he was raised with. 

Functional Stack  

Hero - Memory (Sensingintroverted):
Trusts the tried and true. He prefers comfort and safety.  Luther always reminds the team what they should do based on how were they taught by their mentors.

Counselor - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):
Is not emotional but rational when looking for solutions.  He does not consider feelings when rules and safety measures should be enforced. 

Aspirer - Morals (Feelingintroverted):  
Has a deep connection with his family and is attached to the duties he has as a member of the Umbrella Academy. He is not focused on pleasing others or putting them at ease.  On the contrary, he will do what he feels is right, usually in tandem with what he has been taught (Memory).

Trainee - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):  
Can be extravagant, funny and bizarre when relaxed or stressed. On occasions,  he can think out of the box when the usual is not making sense.

His ENTP subconscious shows when he is silly, sarcastic or creative.  His ESTP unconscious can be seen when he becomes aggressive, when he leads the team with character and when he improvises on the spot.  His INFJ super-ego shows under extreme stress,  as he becomes gets ready to shut down everything that is going against what he considers ideal.

Diego "Number 2" Hargreeves
The Scoutmaster
Extroverted Sensor Thinker Perceiver

"If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead."

Driver Style
Is direct,  expressive and outcome oriented.  He is impatient when he wants a result and gets everyone moving.  He has decisive energy with quick decisions. 
Explorer Intent:  
Values freedom, performance and capitalizing on opportunities.  He is mostly concrete,  pragmatic and motives oriented. 

Functional Stack  

Hero Sensation (Sensingextroverted):   
Is all about taking action and seeing things for himself.  He has a natural confidence about engaging on experiences quickly.

Counselor - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):  
Is more logical than sentimental. Often guarded on his feelings.  He wants things to make sense to him and can be hard on others if he thinks it is for the best. 

Aspirer - Ethics (Feelingextroverted):   
Is very concerned for others, even if he does not have his feelings on the front. He uses this process when he knows he has gone too far into pushing others or doing reality checks on them, in order to make them feel a bit at ease. Has a strong sense of family and team even when he will be on his way if he thinks something must be done and no one is there for him. He will also tell others what they should be doing in terms of ethics when people are not acting aligned with his views. 

Trainee Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):  
Uses his intuition to make sense of his experiences and to have somewhat of a clear picture of what is the best course of action. 

His INFJ subconscious shows a lot when he becomes idealistic, rightful and sentimental about what should be done. His ISTJ unconscious shows in his protective behavior.  We could say his ENFP super-ego shows when he is really made, and wants justice at any cost and is optimistic, creative and resourceful about it. We can see that all of the other sides of the mind look to do the right thing. 

Allison "Number 3" Hargreeves
The Captain
Extroverted iNtuitive Feeler Judger

"When something seems too perfect, it’s usually anything but".

Driver Style:
Is expressive, commanding and outcome oriented.  Although she is pretty balanced, she seems mostly extroverted with decisive energy, looking to mobilize resources or people to get things done or fixed.

Idealist Intent: 
Values meaning, significance and growth. She wanted to follow her dreams and is very understanding and encouraging with people.  She wants do to the right thing and is motives oriented.

Functional Stack

Hero - Ethics (Feelingextroverted): 
Is very concerned about how others feel and quite empathetic.  Allison uses emotions and ethics to mobilize others into doing the right thing.  She is very good with people and can pull tough love when needed. 

Counselor - Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):
Is very good at picking up intentions and patterns, such as when she did with Harold Jenkins and Vanya since the beginning.

Aspirer - Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 
Has a natural aggressiveness and is comfortable with jumping into action when needed.  She likes to dress flashy and stylish and wants to give a good experience and performance. She seems to enjoy lights, crowds,  garnish and other strong stimuli. 

Trainee - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Likes to make sense of things and is a good analyzer.  Has a tendency to overthink when she feels she has made a mistake and she needs to reconsider her criteria.

We can see her ISTP subconscious when she goes into focused action hero mode and gets into fighting.  She is also in this mode when analyzing clues carefully.  Her INFP subconscious is probably what made her pursue her dreams and leave the Umbrella Academy, not considering how others (like Luther) felt with her departure or how unfair and incorrect was to use her rumor power to get what she wanted.  Her ESTJ super-ego is somewhat seeing when she tell others what they should do in a very factual and cold manner.  In this mode she seems more of a guardian of traditional values like being in community and having dates, an adult life, etc.

Klaus "Number 4" Hargreeves
The Savior
Extroverted iNtuitive Feeler Perceiver

"Eternal peace is probably overrated."

(Work in Progress) 

Number 5
The Mastermind
Introverted iNtuitive Thinker Judger

"I don't think that I'm better than you, Number One. I know I am. I've done unimaginable things, things you couldn't even comprehend."

Cautious Style:  
Is introspective,  direct and process oriented.  He is a man of few words. He does not seem to want to control, but prefer to see things unfold and state the facts and procedures that should be followed.  Five has a focused energy and likes to take deliberate decisions. 

Theorist Intent:
Values mastery, knowledge and competence.  He wants to reach his full potential and can help others do the same.  He is a visionary in rational matters like procedures and truth finding.  He is abstract, pragmatic and systems oriented.

Functional Stack 

Hero Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):
Is all about following a vision, ensuring the best future.  In the beginning he wanted to try time travel and later everything was about going back and saving the world. 

Counselor - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):
Is good with Logic and its analysis,  but he focuses more in getting thing done and mobilizing resources to do so.  He does not value knowledge for his own sake but for what he can do with it. He often tries others to follow his thought process and become useful. 

Aspirer - Morals (Feelingintroverted):
Acts on his values and is caring about saving family and humanity,  even if he is not empathetic or very concerned about how others feel. 

Trainee Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 
Can be very proficient in action and improvisation when the situation demands it.  He is able to tap into his natural aggressiveness,  becoming intimidating to others, becoming a destructive force or commanding when he wants something achieved.

His ESFP subconscious can be seen when he is playful, funny or aggressive.  His ENTP unconscious is displayed when he considers all of the outcomes to come up with the best course of actions, and also when is somewhat of a troll and cynical.  His ISFJ  super-ego can be seeing when everything is falling apart and he wants to protect what it very close to him, no matter what.

Ben "Number 6" Hargreeves
The Crafter
Introverted Sensor Thinker Perceiver

"Life isn't supposed to be easy. Life is hard. Bad things happen. Good people die." 

Cautious Style:  
Is introspective, direct and more process than outcome oriented.  He is always stating what needs to be addressed.  

Explorer Intent:  
Values fun, freedom and exploration.  He seems, for the most part, concrete and motives oriented.  

Functional Stack 

Hero - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Is always trying to explain Klaus things from a logical perspective.  His Efficacy (Te) in the Vigilante 5th position shows too when trying to make Klaus be responsible and useful. 

Counselor Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 
Enjoys looking at what Klaus is doing and seeing how it will play out.  He seems to enjoy stimuli and experiencing the world to see what happens and what good can come of it. He does this in a more responsible way, unlike Klaus. 

Aspirer  Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):
Uses this process to make sense all of the experiences he gets into and to come with conclusions about what should be done.  He can uses these insights to inspire others, like he does with Klaus.

Trainee - Ethics (Feelingextroverted) : 
Has a strong focus in doing good things for others, specially family.  He worries about Klaus and him doing what he must to care for others and himself. 

Displays his ENFJ subconscious when being direct and pushy with Klaus, pushing him to do the proper thing.  His ESTJ subconscious is displayed when he is cold,  and tough, regarding what Klaus should do to be and adult and reliable.  His INFP super-ego can be seen when he is a child and is concerned about doing what feels right for him, and seems more like a pacifist that does not want to use his powers to harm others. 

Vanya "Number 7" Hargreeves
The Mediator
Introverted iNtuitive Feeler Perceiver

"We all wanted to be loved by a man incapable of giving love."

Supportive Style
Is quiet , amiable and controlling over her comfort zone.  She seems informative as she explain her situation and that of her family with all detail. She has open energy and consultative decisions. 

Idealist Intent: 
Is diplomatic, insightful and focuses on abstract patterns regarding people.  He demonstrates this in her book about the Hargreeves family where she makes sense of all of what was going on in terms of feelings and personalities.

Functional Stack

Hero - Morals (Feelingintroverted):  
Seems to always be focused on how she should feel about things.  She is very accepting of others and want to be doing her own thing.  

Counselor - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):  
Is always looking at patterns to explain what is going in her life and with her family.  

Aspirer - Memory (Sensingintroverted):  
Has deep roots in the memories of his childhood and the Hargreeves mansion.  She has a tendency to be conditioned by the way she was raised and has a clear picture of all of the impressions these memories have on her. 

Trainee - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):  
Will solve problem in the most direct and basic way when his values are challenged. She has problems understanding his family members on a logical way and tend to draw quick and basic conclusions that can be wrong about how they have treated her. 

Her ESTJ subconscious comes out when she has to be tougher in dealing with family problems and stating what needs to be corrected.  Her ENFJ subconscious is displayed in a similar fashion when values and the ideal needs to be externalized into others.  Finally, her ISTP super ego shows when everything has failed, and she becomes cold, distant and aggressive.  

Sir Reginald Hargreeves
The Commander
Extroverted iNtuitive Thinker Judger

"As much as you must strive for individual greatness and strive you must, for it won’t come to you on its own accord, you must also remember that there is no individual stronger than the collective."

Driver StyleHe is bossy, controlling,  outcome oriented,  direct and expressive.  He has decisive energy with quick decisions.  

Theorist Intent:
Values competence, mastery, knowledge.  He is a visionary that wants other to reach their potential in terms of usefulness and results. He is abstract, concerning with the future and possibilities.  He is pragmatic, doing what works on top of what is socially right.  He is always looking at how the Umbrella Academy, as system, can be improved,  instead of considering any motives on the ones implied. 

Functional Stack 

Hero - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):
Is mostly concerned with organizing thoughts and resources to accomplish things in the most efficacious and practical way. 

Counselor Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):
Has a responsible vision that he follows to organize the family and prioritize decisions. 

Aspirer Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 
Is comfortable with aggressive, impactful or flamboyant approaches, to get a result, or to experience for a possible solution. 

Trainee - Morals (Feelingintroverted):
Has little empathy and concern for the feelings of others, but feels for others in his own way and has strongly held values he uses to guide the family. 

We could argue that his ISFP subconscious is seeing behind the pragmatic but value-centered goals about saving humanity and doing the best he can think of, for his children. It also shows when he improvises on emergencies.  In a similar way, his ESFJ super ego will sacrifice everything for others a last resort as he is shown to do in the story.  His INTP subconscious can be seen when he attempts to explain a more deeper reasoning for his actions and philosophy. 

The Mentor
Introverted iNtuitive Feeler Judger

One grows used to things, even if sometimes one shouldn’t.

Cautious Style:
Is introspective, direct and process oriented.  He lets things unfold.  Although balanced, Pogo tends to have a focused energy and deliberate decisions. 

Idealist Intent:
Is very diplomatic and understanding of others.  Pogo values meaning, authenticity and benevolence.  He explains himself in abstract ways. He is rightful and motives oriented. 

Functional Stack 

Hero Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):
Seems to have a deep understanding of everyone motives and feelings, and want to help his master Reginald with his vision of how to do things with the family. 

Counselor - Ethics (Feelingextroverted): 
Is very concerned with the values and struggles of the Hargreeves and attempts to create a harmonious and proper atmosphere.
Aspirer - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Uses this process to make sense of what the family members are doing and attempts to excuse others with his reasoning when needed. 

Trainee Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 
Can withstand the impactful and aggressive way of his master Reginald with him or his children and can himself become that way when discipline or a result needs to be achieved. 

Pogo shows his ESTP subconscious when he needs to be hard on the family to force something to happen. We could argue that his ENFP unconscious is used when he is optimistic and have explanations to defend his master Reginald or the actions on any other, that he usually understands.  Finally, we could say that his super-ego shows when everything else has failed and he chooses to be honorable, truthful and doesn't care about sacrificing his reputation or integrity for the causes he guards. 

The Host
Extroverted Sensor Feeler Judger

"You all seem upset. I'll make cookies."

Inspiring Style:  
Is joyful, expressive,  informative and process oriented. Not at all controlling. Grace has engaging energy and is good at motivating others. 

Guardian Intent:
Is concrete, affiliative and roles oriented.  She focuses on comfort, safety, duty and community (his family).  She guards the family information and provides for the concrete needs of the Hargreeves Mansion.  

Functional Stack 

Hero - Ethics (Feelingextroverted): 
Is always creating a harmonious environment and trying to please and cheer for the Hargreeves children. Grace has no concerns for her own wishes but for those she takes care of. 

Counselor - Memory (Sensingintroverted):
Has great memory that she uses to guide others.  She prioritizes safety, stability and tradition.

Aspirer - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):
Uses this process coupled with Memory to provide creative solutions and look at the bright side of things when asked for help or advice. 

Trainee - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Does not use this process much. When others try her to follow their thought process, she will revert the topic back to hers and explain things from her perspective. 

Grace shows her ISFP subconscious when she prefers to stay on her comfort zone and blend with the environment, not wanting to be part in any conflict.  She also uses this side of her mind when improvising over medical situations.  We could also argue that her fashion sense and open energy comes from this.