miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2019

Sense 8

Will Gorski
The Executive
Extroverted Sensor Thinker Judger

"You think you’re hunting us? We’re coming for you."

Driver Style
Is a natural leader.  Direct, outcome oriented and initiator.  Has decisive energy with quick planning. 

Guardian Intent:  
Is focused on safety, duty and doing the right thing.  Speaks in concrete terms and it is systems oriented. 

Functional Stack

Hero - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):
Leads with a process to solve problems and focuses on facts and common sense. 

Counselor - Memory (Sensingintroverted):
Focuses on proven procedures and it is good at gathering data with his Senses in the Critic position, in order to make sense of it and provide good information for the cluster. 

Aspirer - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):
Is good at drawing conclusions from the data he know how to collect as a cop.

Trainee - Morals (Feelingintroverted):
Follows his principles even when those around him resent his heart-felt decisions. 

Will has good use of his INFP subconscious that allows him to me very diplomatic and in tune with his values.  He does not easily follow the feelings of those around him, but filters what he feels is right, and develop his own driver guardian rules.  He also uses his ISTP unconscious to bend rules, act in the moment to fight, escape and gather sensory input which he proficiently analyzes. 

Riley Blue
The Mediator
Introverted iNtuitive Feeler Perceiver

"It's not drugs that make a drug addict. It's the need to escape reality."

Supportive Style:
Is amiable,  responsive and likes to controls her own space. Has an open energy and prefers her comfort zone.  

Idealist Intent:  
Sees the world in abstract patterns that she communicates during the show.  She wants to do the right thing and she is motives oriented.  

Functional Stack

Hero - Morals (Feelingintroverted):  
She is good at accepting people that is different from her and she does not focus on organizing other people values. 

Counselor - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):  
Sees patterns and relations between concepts and motives, as when she speaks about death and drugs.  She was also able to understand Kala's issues with cluster love before she even told her about it. 

Aspirer - Memory (Sensingintroverted):  
Always find strength, comfort and guidance in his past experiences with his boyfriend and dad. She is also sometimes held back by past fears.

Trainee - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):  
Is able to bring order to reality to help his friends and avoid uncomfortable situations where here principles are challenged. 

Wolfgang Bogdanow
The Crafter
Introverted Sensor Thinker Perceiver

"Sometimes you make a mistake. You’ve got two choices: you live with it, or you fix it.  

Cautious Style
Is introspective,  direct and movement oriented. He is a good analyst, monitor and critic of the group's plan. Has focused energy and deliberate actions. 

Explorer Intent
Is concrete and motives oriented. Wolfie is not concerned about doing the right thing. but what works.  Values freedom, adventure, fun, performance and adaptability. 

Functional Stack 

Hero - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Is very confident and capable of figuring out situations on the spot with a bit of introspection.  He focuses more on what is true or false, beyond feelings. 

Counselor Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 
Is good at adapting to situations using his surroundings and great perception.  Enjoys new experiences, stimuli and giving a good experience. 

Aspirer  Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):
Uses it along with his Logic, to understand what lies behind his experience and what others are doing. This function is also used for him to have somewhat of a vision about what he wants or does not want. 

Trainee - Ethics (Feelingextroverted): 
Is not very concerned about morals (they are in the Devil 8th position), but he does care when people he care feel uncomfortable and he looks to ease their worries such as he does with Kala's issues and when he helps others in the cluster.

We can see his ENFJ subconscious when he lectures or guide others so they can fix their lives, and when he is willing to take charge for a cause he believe in.  His ESTJ subconscious can he seen when he harshly lectures someone about what he or she should be doing.

Kala Dandekar
The Protector
Introverted Sensor Feeler Judger

It seems very dangerous to me, exposing ourselves like this.

Supportive Style:  
Is friendly, responsive, open,  talkative and controlling over her comfort zone.  

Guardian Intent:  

Has a tendency to do what others expect of her. She wants to do the right thing. Duty, roles and safety oriented. She is concrete for the most part. 

Functional Stack   

Hero - Memory (Sensingintroverted):   

Looks for comfort, stability, security and prefers what is tried and true.  Aside from what others experience, Kala focuses on her own experience and past. 

Counselor - Ethics (Feelingextroverted): 

Wants to please people around her. She is very empathetic and proper. She is very responsible and expect the same from others. She likes to feel connected to others. 

Aspirer - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):  

Focuses on her own reasoning and is good at making plans with careful analysis. She often over thinks to find a balance with her feelings. 

Trainee - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):

Along with her over thinking, she is very in tune with possibilities and spends a lot of time considering scenarios and exploring ideas for her decisions. 

Kala demonstrates her ESFP unconscious when having fun and exploring sensory experiences and people. She also demonstrates her ENTP subconscious when she is troll and playful with Wolfgang and tries to rationalize her feelings. 

Lito Rodriguez
The Host
Extroverted Sensor Feeler Judger

"I miss your voice. I have all these voices in my head, but yours it’s the only one I can’t live without."

Inspiring Style:  
Is very expressive, charming and fun.  Has engaging energy, likes to be on the move and is a man of many words.   

Guardian Intent:  
Has conservative tendencies with roles orientation.  Wants do to the right thing and focuses on stability, safety and playing along with society expectations. 

Functional Stack 

Hero - Ethics (Feelingextroverted):  
Is very emotionally expressive, dramatic and persuasive. He is empathetic and wants to conform with the values of his people.  He is more focused on the feelings of those around him than his own. 

Counselor - Memory (Sensingintroverted):
Treasures his memories with his lover, family and career.  Prefers comfort over adventure.  He is good at picking up details about the environment and people to detect lies. 

Aspirer - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):
Uses this process to play out scenarios in his head about possible outcomes and play it safe. He also uses his imagination to think of solutions that might work with his life and career. 

Trainee - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Is very perfectionist on his performances and enjoys learning about logic. 

He demonstrates his INTP subconscious when talking about Hernando, and the things he learns from him,  who is precisely his dual, an INTP.  He also goes into his ISFP subconscious when he is ready to follow his own heart and do whatever works for him, beyond what seems right for others. 

Nomi Marks
The Mentor
Introverted iNtuitive Feeler Judger

The real violence, the violence that I realized was unforgivable, is the violence that we do to ourselves, when we’re too afraid to be who we really are.

Cautious Style 
Is direct, for the most part, telling others what matters, and good at devising, monitoring and guiding a plan.  She has focused energy with deliberate decisions.  

Idealist Intent:
Is abstract,  rightful and motives oriented.  Has a focus on authenticity, meaning, significance and growth. She is good at diplomacy and teaching.

Functional Stack 

Hero Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):
Has a very clear vision of what she sees as right and ideal, and is able to see how patterns converge into a single idea.

Counselor - Ethics (Feelingextroverted): 
Is proper and affected by how others feel about her. She has an elegant way to convey his ideas to others in a pleasant and persuasive way. 

Aspirer - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Has very good use of logic, that she uses to analyze computer issues as well as human issues which she later expresses as an activist. 

Trainee Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 
Is capable to adapt to a situation on the spot. And when she pays attention she can pick up concrete information for her Logic and Insight to use in understanding the situation and come up with the best solution.  She seems to enjoy festivals and other high stimuli activities. 

Her ESTP subconscious can be seen when she takes charge with activism and when guiding the group.  Her ENFP unconscious shows when she motivates others to march with joy and is enthusiastic about her message.  She goes into her ISTJ super-ego with her family rejection, in which case she feels betrayed and decided to cut off any relationship with them. The so-called door slam. 

Capheus Onyango
The Savior
Extroverted iNtuitive Feeler Perceiver

"What if something wonderful happens?"

Inspiring StyleIs clearly a fun, expressive and motivating person. Is movement oriented and has engaging energy.

Idealist Intent:  Has a focus on possibilities, dreams and feelings.  He is abstract, rightful and motives oriented.  He values significance, growth and has outstanding diplomatic skills. 

Functional Stack

Hero Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):  
Can always think of good reasons and solutions to accomplish his dreams or motivate others.

Counselor -  Morals (Feelingintroverted):  
Does not let others sway him away from his ideals and is very accepting of others even if they feel different from him. 

Aspirer Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):  
Thinks of simple solutions to big problems, and can be very resourceful, looking for the right tool or person to get the job done. 

Trainee Memory (Sensingintroverted):  
Values his memories with his bus, mom and friends. Capheus works hard to get and provide comfort and safety for his close ones.

Capheus demonstrates his ISTJ subconscious when defending his mother, passengers and friends, becoming very honorable and protective.  He uses his INFJ unconscious to stay true to a single vision underneath his many occurrences.  This vision evolve during the show from helping his mother, to helping his townsfolk. Finally, he displays the use of his ESTP super-ego when going all action hero against the Super Power bandits or when driving like crazy on a tight situation.  

Sun Bak
The Inspector
Introverted Sensor Thinker Judger

"I don’t understand this. So if you do not mind, I would prefer to assume you’re a hallucination."

Cautious StyleIs quiet, introspective, direct and movement oriented.  She has a focused energy with, for the most part, deliberate decisions.  

Guardian IntentIs duty oriented,  wants to do the right thing and is mostly concrete.  She wants to belong to a community, with responsibility and stability. 

Functional Stack  

Hero - Memory (Sensingintroverted):
Goes always back to the memories of his father teachings and her mother's requests.  Values comfort and concrete solutions. Has strong Sensation in the Vigilante 5th position that comes out when she needs to fight and to vent. 

Counselor - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):
Sees problems from a rational perspective and goes for the simple solutions, facts and resources.

Aspirer - Morals (Feelingintroverted):
Is not very empathetic but has strong values that guide her decisions.  She cares about being accepted.  

Trainee - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):
Uses this process to come up with abstract ideas about the past, human nature and fighting.

Her ESTP unconscious is shown when she lashes into her inner fighter and goes rights into action without much pre-planning.  She goes into her ENFP  subconscious at moments in which she sees her life and her fight in an abstract, optimistic and profound way.  Her INFJ super-ego  is also present when all seems to fail and she needs to hang into her identity and vision to gather strength and put everything in its place.

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