sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2019

Stranger Things

Mike Wheeler
The Captain
Extroverted iNtuitive Feeler Judger

"Well, I call bull on your logic, because you’re my best friend too".

Driver Style:
Is the leader of the group and planner, controlling and direct. Mobilizes group with his emotional drive. 

Idealist Intent: 
Considers each one of his friends his best friend and is willing to go great lengths for them. He often inspires them to do the right thing.

Functional Stack

Hero - Ethics (Feeling, extroverted) : 
Is expressive, organized, caring and a team player. 

Counselor - Insight (iNtuition, introverted):
Looks into the future to decide on priorities and the best course of action. Imagines the best scenarios for his friends to feel good and is very passionate about his vision of what needs to be done.  He also goes into "what if..." with bad scenarios to attack people that have wronged him. 

Aspirer - Sensation (Sensing, extroverted): 
Has a natural aggressiveness,  bravery and awareness to take action quickly.

Trainee - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Hates lies and comes up with good analysis when dealing with situations. He overthinks when stressed. 

Mike shows his ESTJ
super ego when mad, by pointing out flaws in people and/or force them to do tasks.  

Lucas Sinclair
The Executive
Extroverted Sensor Thinker Judger

"We’re going back to Plan A. We’re telling your mom."

Driver Style:
Is expressive, direct and results oriented.  Would lead the group if Mike wasn't around. He helps with leadership by providing information and a sense of urgency.

Guardian Intent:  

Is concrete and down to earth as he usually proposes that the group do the traditional approach for solving problems.

Functional Stack

Hero - Efficacy (Thinking, extroverted):
 Is the first of the group to point out the facts and go for a practical solution.  Prefer plans over improvisation.

Counselor - Memory (Sensing, introverted):

Usually proposes the most down to earth, typical or tried and true way of doing things.

Aspirer - Creativity (iNtuition, extroverted):

Can be imaginative and extravagant when relaxed.

Trainee - Morals (Feeling, introverted):

Is not very  empathetic but has strong values and feelings for his close ones.

Lucas shows his playful, dreamy, caring and idealistic INFP subconscious when he is having fun. 

Dustin Henderson
The Inventor
Extroverted iNtuitive Thinker Perceiver

"I am on a curiosity voyage, and I need my paddles to travel. These books…these books are my paddles."

Inspiring Style 
Is expressive, mostly process oriented and informative. Usually motivates the group to try new things. 

Theorist Intent:

Is more about solving problems than doing the proper thing. Seems bossy at times,  having Driver as secondary interaction style as all types from this temperament.

Functional Stack

Hero - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):
Is creative, and willing to explore even obscure experiments, theories and ideas. He is the most curious of the bunch. 

Counselor - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):

Is mostly about truth over feelings and will usually enter in the realm of the inappropriate.
Aspirer - Ethics (Feelingextroverted) : 
Is charming and usually try to smooth things out after getting into trouble with his pursuit of the truth and his occurrences.

Trainee - Memory (Sensingintroverted):

Is conservative with norms he considers important and has good memory for the information he collects.

Dustin shows his organized ISTJ subconscious with his friend group rules.

Will Byers
The Protector
Introverted Sensor Feeler Judger

"Sometimes the bad guys are smart too."

Supportive Style:
Is quiet, introspective and dependable.  Likes to stay in his comfort zone and is usually controlling about it.  

Guardian Intent:
Does what is expected of him.  And often blends with the system he is in. He is concrete and wants to do the right thing.

Functional Stack

Hero - Memory (Sensingintroverted):
Values memories with his friends and want some things to stay the same.  Trusts his concrete experience. He is presented as a different kid, that in this case, has grown with an antisocial mom, a weird brother, and nerd friends. 

Counselor  - Ethics (Feelingextroverted) : 

Has good manners with others and is usually harmonious.
Aspirer - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Has good analytical skills and look to make sense of things.

Trainee - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):

Is imaginative and loves to be creative on his leisure time.  He also uses his intuition to explain things using abstractions and relations.

Will aspire for independence and competence. We can argue that this comes from his ENTP subconscious (a Theorist trait).

Janet "Eleven" Hopper
The Crafter
Introverted Sensor Thinker Perceiver

“I’m a fighter. I’ve killed.”

Cautious Style:
Is direct, quiet and process oriented. She will point out what the group should know with little sugar coating. 

Explorer Intent:

Is more about exploring and improvising with the concrete reality. She is more about "what is", than "what if".  Values freedom and independence.

Functional Stack

Hero - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Values truth and is quick to figure things out. 

Counselor - Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 

Wants to experience the world directly and looks for stimuli.

Aspirer Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):

Tends to be focused on a vision of what she wants and his intuition also helps with finding hiding truths and making sense of what she experiences.

Trainee -  Ethics (Feelingextroverted) : 

Worries more about others than herself.

Nancy Wheeler
The Mentor
Introverted iNtuitive Feeler Judger

“I don’t think my parents ever loved each other. My mom was young. My dad was older, but he had a cushy job, money, came from a good family. So, they bought a nice house at the end of the cul-de-sac… and started their nuclear family. Screw that.”

Cautious Style:
Is naturally very serious, introspective, focused and independent.

Idealist Intent:
Is about doing the right thing but in her own version of righteousness that is not the norm. She is more motives than systems oriented.

Functional Stack 

Hero Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):
Follows her guts and invite others to join her cause but doing things on her own seems like herself.

Counselor - Ethics (Feelingextroverted) : 
Is first presented as a woman that wants to be part of what is going on with other people her age, looking extroverted.  She is caring organized, empathetic and polite.

Aspirer - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Has great analytic capabilities and a drive to find the truth.

Trainee Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 
Is rough and daring when pursuing her objectives. 

We can argue that her apparent leadership,  partying and extrovert qualities come from her subconscious ESTP personality. 

Jonathan Byers
The Dreamer
Introverted iNtuitive  Feeler Perceiver

"Nobody normal ever accomplished anything meaningful in this world." 

Supportive Style:
Is introspective and lonely.  Doesn't like to step out of his comfort zone. He is good at listening, comforting and providing support.

Idealist Intent:
Teaches his brother Will about authenticity and meaning.  He is proud of being different. He is abstract,  motives oriented and affiliative.

Functional Stack 

Hero - Morals (Feelingintroverted):
Seems to act on his values before considering others.  He doesn't like most people. This makes sense for him being self centered with his feelings.

Counselor - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):
Is spontaneous and challenges the usual way of people looking at the world.  Has interests that are considered weird and difficulty blending with others.

Aspirer - Memory (Sensingintroverted):
Likes to take and store pictures as a way to have a subjective impression of people.

Trainee - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):
Is diligent at getting resources and information when something important to him needs to be addressed.

Joyce Byers
The Protector
Introverted Sensor Feeler Judger

“I will never, ever let anything bad happen to you ever again. Whatever’s going on in you, we’re gonna fix it.”

Supportive Style:  
Is reserved, lonely, controlling  and informative. 

Guardian Intent:  

Is normally conservative, concrete and dutiful.

Functional Stack   

Hero - Memory (Sensingintroverted):
Lives a down to earth, careful, safe and traditional life as a mother.

Counselor - Ethics (Feelingextroverted) : 

Is selfless and cares deeply for her close ones.  Helping others is her main drive.

Aspirer - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):

Makes good uses of logical analysis to assist those she cares for. And she doesn't care what other think of her ideas or if what she believes to be true seems absurd to others.

Trainee - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):

Has no trouble exploring the improbable and coming up with theories, even if they seem crazy, in the search of a solution when she is devoted to a cause.

Joyce analysis is complex, as she is usually very stressed during the show.  We could argue that in a state of fear, she is a lot in her subconscious ENTP 

Jim Hopper
The Crafter
Introverted Sensor Thinker Perceiver

"Make mistakes, learn from them, and when life hurts you (because it will), remember the hurt. The hurt is good. It means you're out of that cave." 

Cautious Style:
He is introspective,  focused and direct.

Explorer Intent:

Is more pragmatic than affiliative. Doing what works instead of what is right in the most traditional sense.  He is an improviser.

Functional Stack 

Hero - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
He sees thing from a logical perspective first and prefer to tell the truth even if blunt.  
He is not very fluid with expressing feeling or being empathetic.

Counselor Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 

Is about what is, in concrete terms and needs to experience things on his own.

Aspirer  Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):

His synthesizing intuition works along with his investigation to see how all data points out to a conclusion.

Trainee - Ethics (Feelingextroverted) : 
Has his moments when he can connect with what others are feeling, but for the most part he uses his feelings to organize and mobilize others.

His ENFJ subconscious comes out when he needs to lead, using strong emotions to convey his message of what needs to be done.  

Steve Harrington
The Scoutmaster
Extroverted Sensor Thinker Perceiver

"I promised I'd keep you shitheads safe and that's exactly what I plan on".

Driver Style:
Direct,  expressive and controlling. Used to be kind of a bully.  Demonstrates his leadership qualities when taking care of the kids.  He is more of a conflict seeker than conflict avoider.
Explorer Intent:
As such, he seems to have an Inspiring interaction style as secondary, wanting to have a good time with people.  He wants to make and impact and is an improviser. He is concrete, interest oriented and wants to do what works.

Functional Stack  

Hero Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 
Has a natural drive to action and is good at looking cool, even providing advice about it.  He has confidence in his ability to assess a situation in the spot and deal with it. At the same time, he is able to know when something is out of the question and prefers to step back and think.

Counselor - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Has already figured out the social formula to be popular and get girls.  He does not use his logic for nerdy stuff but for analyzing the concrete as he experiences it.

Aspirer - Ethics (Feelingextroverted) : 

Is charming and even when he is more logical than sensitive, he wants people to like him and cares when people gets too upset with him.
Trainee Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):
His introverted intuition works together with Se as he face situations in order to create a vision of how things relate.  He aspires and worries about his future and continues to explore new paths as he matures.  This attitude of his made him meet Nancy, Dustin and Robin that has helped him shape his vision of what really matters.

Maxine Mayfield
The Scoutmaster
Extroverted Sensor Thinker Perceiver

“There’s more to life than stupid boys, you know.”

Driver Style:
Is expressive, results oriented and conflict seeker.  She means what she says, and she says what she means. 

Explorer Intent:

Is concrete, looking into what is in front of her, pragmatic and care more about motives than systems. She has love for fun, adventure and freedom.

Functional Stack 

Hero Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 
Is daring, aggressive and dexterous.  She needs to see things with her own eyes.

Counselor - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):

Analyzes things from her own reasoning and she does so without letting other emotions  sway her.  She is more cold than warm and trusts her own logic.

Aspirer - Ethics (Feelingextroverted) : 
When relaxed can be playful and care for others.  After teasing them, she can comfort them a bit so they don't feel so bad towards her.  She likes company and being part of the group.

Trainee Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):

Working together with her extraverted sensing, she make sense of reality and its patterns, using her intuition.  And after she understand a clear pattern, he points out what she considers the truth,  usually with little sugar coating.

Billy Hargrove
The Commander
Extroverted iNtuitive Thinker Judger

"Don't take it too hard man, pretty boy like you doesn't have anything to worry about. Plenty of bitches in the sea."

Driver Style:
Is direct , controlling and expressive.  Pretty bossy and conflict seeker.
Theorist Intent:
Is pragmatic, not worried about doing the right thing, but what works for him.  Is ambitious and values competence and influence.

Functional Stack 

Hero - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):
Is cold and practical to address issues in a rational way.  Attempts to lead and organize people to makes things easier for him.

Counselor Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):
Displays strong intuition when looking into Maxine whereabouts  and simplifies reality by looking into its patterns.

Aspirer Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 
Has aggressiveness, awareness, dexterity and a sense of fashion which he likes to make an impact with.  Is playful and flirtatious in his search for stimuli and experiences.

Trainee - Morals (Feelingintroverted):
Not much empathetic but more focused on his interests and desires. 

Scott Clarke
The Analyst
Introverted iNtuitive Thinker Perceiver

"As I tell my students, once you open up that curiosity door, anything is possible."

Supportive Style:
He is more responding than initiating, and seems more introspective than expressive.  He is amiable, cooperative and open.

Theorist Intent:
Enjoys investigation and study. He is abstract and systems focused.

Functional Stack 

Hero - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
His thinking is more logical than rationale. More About finding the truth than a belief that works.

Counselor - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):

He is spontaneous and has no problem speaking about the abstract and improbable theories. 

Aspirer - Memory (Sensingintroverted):

Seems to be someone that even with his scientific interests, play it safe and prefers comfort.

Trainee - Ethics (Feelingextroverted) : 
Is caring and harmonious despite his focus on more logical matters.  He likes to teach with joy and a good vibe.

Robin Buckley
The Analyst
Introverted iNtuitive Thinker Perceiver

“We all die my strange little child friend. It’s all a matter of how... and when.”

Supportive Style:
Is very tranquil, amiable and willing to help. She is open to information and ideas. Seems informative and more in his mind than in the real world.

Theorist Intent:

Handles abstract information and hidden meanings naturally.  Not concerned about doing the right thing but about the problems in front of her.  She seeks knowledge and competence.

Functional Stack  

Hero - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Is very good with analytical thinking and values knowledge on it own.  As an introvert, she spends more time analyzing patterns and situations than trying to merge with reality. She Doesn't have a lot of friends and is more about telling the truth over being sensitive.
Counselor - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):
Is very good at seeing patterns and reading between the lines.  Has a very imaginative mind that she uses to look for solutions and for having fun while being kind of a troll.

Aspirer - Memory (Sensingintroverted):

Is good at internalizing data to use for her theories.

Trainee - Ethics (Feelingextroverted) : 

Has empathy for the suffering of others. 

Karen Wheeler
The Host
Extroverted Sensor Feeler Judger

"I want you to feel like you can talk to me."

Inspiring Style:
Is outgoing and enthusiastic, process oriented.  In his talk with her daughter Nancy we could see how she inspired her to follow what she believes in.

Guardian Intent:

Conservative,  role oriented,  down to earth and looking to do what is right for her family.

Functional Stack 

Hero - Ethics (Feelingextroverted) : 
Is expressive, caring and structured.

Counselor - Memory (Sensingintroverted):
Is concrete and traditional.  Seeks tidiness and safety.

Aspirer - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):
Behind her secure attitude,  we see that she can be flirty and crazy. She is able to see possibilities and potential in her children.

Trainee - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):
Is able to analyze social issues as we see she does when giving advice to Nancy. She also motivate her to disregard what other people think. 

Ted Wheeler
The Inspector
Introverted Sensor Thinker Judger

"This is our government. They're on our side..."

Cautious Style:
Careful, introspective, and responding.  Process oriented.  A man of few words, thus, direct. The type of character that will say what is wrong but not lead naturally.

Guardian Intent:
Down to earth, traditional, and in his case, boring. Seeks security and stability.

Functional Stack  

Hero - Memory (Sensingintroverted):
Stays with what he knows and defends the system he was raised in.  

Counselor - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):
States facts and lives for the status quo. 

Aspirer - Morals (Feelingintroverted):
Doesn't seem to act out of empathy but for his values. 

Trainee - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):
Has not shown his aspirational extroverted intuition yet in the show, like trying to do something different than the ordinary or think outside of the box. 

Murray Bauman
The Inventor
Extroverted iNtuitive Thinker Perceiver

"People don’t spend their lives trying to get a look at what’s behind the curtain. They like the curtain. It provides them stability, comfort, definition."

Inspiring Style:
Loves to have a good time when dealing with issues.  He is expressive, initiating and process oriented. 

Theorist Intent:

Seems like a Driver style at times, typical of this temperament. Communicates abstractly, thinks of what works and in term of systems, mostly.

 Functional Stack  

Hero -  Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):
Looks at things from multiple perspectives and is very aware of other people hidden intentions. 

Counselor - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):

Pursues truth and wants it to be acknowledged. He is more blunt and critical than pleasing and proper.

Aspirer - Ethics (Feelingextroverted) : 

Is friendly and charismatic when he wants to be, even if critic, and smooth things out with jokes then the ambience gets too tense.

Trainee - Memory (Sensingintroverted):
Holds rules from which he thinks the world works around.

Erica Sinclair
The Commander
Extroverted iNtuitive Thinker Judger

"You know what this half-baked plan of yours sounds like to me? Child endangerment."

Driver Style:
Expressive, bossy and direct.  Picky thus, controlling and outcome oriented.

Theorist Intent:

Ambitious and pragmatic.  Does not care about doing the right thing. Values competence and knowledge.

Functional Stack  

Hero - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):
Sees everything from a rational standpoint first. Critical and facts oriented. 

Counselor  Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):

Foresees outcomes and uses "what if " to polish a good plan. 

Aspirer - Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 

Is abrasive and often states what she sees is going on in the moment, in concrete terms.  

Trainee - Morals (Feelingintroverted):

Lacks empathy and charisma and acts on her values and interests.  Tends to be more selfish than selfless.

The Savior
Extroverted iNtuitive Feeler Perceiver

“It’s gonna be okay. Remember: Bob Newby, superhero.”

Inspiring Style:
Is good at making people feel good and engaged.  Expressive and informative. Not at all controlling, but process and movement oriented. 

Idealist Intent:

Is very accepting of others. Righteous and charismatic. He can inspire others to be better and uses analogies to illustrate his messages.

Functional Stack  

Hero - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):
Has creative ways to solve problems and is very imaginative when looking and things,  and being fun. 

Counselor - Morals (Feelingintroverted):

Is more sensitive than logical as he would rarely says things bluntly.  We seems to want to be liked, more than stating facts or truth.

Aspirer - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):

Has good use of factual knowledge about geography and communications.  He can pull up a good plan even if not primarily structured.

Trainee - Memory (Sensingintroverted):
Deep down, wants to provide people with comfort and security and can use his knowing to do so

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