miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2019

One Piece

Monkey D. Luffy
The Performer
Extroverted Sensor Feeler Perceiver

"I don't want to conquer anything. I just think the guy with the most freedom in this whole ocean... is the Pirate King!"

Inspiring Style:  
Is very outspoken and friendly. Usually wanting to motivate others and get along with them.  Initiator, process oriented and informative.

Explorer Intent:  
Values freedom,  making an impact, adapting, exploring and having fun.  He is concrete, motives oriented and pragmatic.  Not worried about doing the right thing, but to do what works, as he himself states when he talks about being a pirate. 

Functional Stack

Hero -  Sensation (Sensingextroverted):  
Wants to experience his surroundings and is very good at adapting and coming with solutions on the spot.  

Counselor - Morals (Feelingintroverted):  
Follows his heart no matter what.  Always deciding on what he feels is right, above what others might feel.

Aspirer - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):  
When he is set to do something, it will look for the shortcut to make it happen.  Looking for tools and resources to get it done.

Trainee Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):  
Has a not very detailed vision of what being King of the Pirates means, but follows that vision with a passion. Not that worried about the long term future, but still not losing sight of his goal.

Luffy shows his INTJ subconscious when he get serious and talk about what being a pirate implies and what is needed to move forward to his goal. His ISFJ unconscious shows when he is devoted to serve and protect his companions.   

Roronoa Zoro
The Crafter
Introverted Sensor Thinker Perceiver

"You need to accept the fact that you’re not the best and have all the will to strive to be better than anyone you face.

Cautious Style:  
Is introspective,  process oriented and direct.  Focused and critical,  often says the harsh truths the crew members need to hear. 

Explorer Intent:  

Focuses on freedom, performance and seeks strong stimuli.  Looks to be able to improvise, adapt and overcome anyone or anything he faces. He will do what works,  except when his swordsman code of honor is at stake.   

Functional Stack 

Hero - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):  
He is focused on perfecting swordsmanship and understand combat to emerge victorious.  He is also very good at giving advice with a detached but gentle logical perspective. 

Counselor  Sensation (Sensingextroverted):  
Seeks extreme situations to strengthen his abilities and develop experience. But does not go wild or crazy as he does it.  It is calculated and controlled by his Hero Logic (Ti). He is comfortable in environments that help him train his senses and dexterity.  Enjoys other sensory pleasures such as food and liqueur. His shadow Memory (Si) in the Critic (6th) position makes him not very good at spatial memorization.    

Aspirer  Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):  
Has a well defined goal in life, to become the best and he then incorporates helping Luffy to become the King of Pirates and protect the crew. As the second chair in command, this vision guides his life. At key moments he is able to articulate and communicate his vision, feed by his experience. 

Trainee - Ethics (Feelingextroverted):   
Becomes worried when his companions are having a bad time, and tries not to hurt sentiments too much with the coldness of his speech.  Share objective values passed down along with swordsmanship.

His ENFJ subconscious shows when he is idealistic about his Captain and his crew, demonstrating willpower and sacrifice. His ESTJ manifests with his sense of honor and when he takes a leader attitude and is ready to remind everyone about the rules of the situation.  We could say his INFP super ego manifests when everything else has failed and he is ready for the ultimate sacrifice, with his most dear values and memories, an open mind and decisive execution.

The Executive
Extroverted Sensor Thinker Judger

"Everyone is expecting help from you, but you come here and don't think about doing anything to help those people?"

Driver Style: 
Is bossy, outspoken and impatient.  She is often the straw hat that takes the lead. 

Guardian Intent:  
Acts like a tough mother that is there to protect  the straw hats, using her intellect. Her dream is to map the entire world and that is like preserving valuable information for others to use. She is concrete, cooperative and roles oriented. 

Functional Stack 

Hero - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):  
Is practical, resourceful, straightforward and guides the crew with rational considerations and facts. Can be cold and calculating when wanting to get something from someone. 

Counselor Memory (Sensingintroverted):  
 Uses the concrete tried and true to organize the straw hats and draw maps as a way to preserve knowledge about the world. 

Aspirer Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):  
Uses imagination to come up with solutions and figure out situations. Under stress, it is also what she will use to see everything that can go wrong. 

Trainee - Morals (Feelingintroverted):  
Has convictions about helping others and focuses more on doing what is right for her, beyond how other people might feel.  

Nami goes into her ISTP unconscious when she is a schemer and thief that will do what works.  This is mostly shown at the beginning of the story. She goes into her INFP subconscious when someone in the group is having a really hard time or the group is having internal conflict. She becomes very sentimental, looking for a solution to fix things.  That can be seen in the conflict Luffy had with Usopp in Water 7.

The Captain
Extroverted iNtuitive Feeler Judger

"There comes a time when a man has to stand and fight. That time is when his friends or dreams are laughed at."

Driver Style 
Is bossy,  controlling and expressive.  More unstable than stable when interacting with others.

Idealist Intent:  

Abstract and motives oriented. Wants do the right thing.  He is a dreamer and liar that wants to become the idealized way he sees himself.  His idea of a Brave Warrior of the Sea is not something concrete, but an ideal with significance and meaning. 

Functional Stack

Hero - Ethics (Feelingextroverted):  
Can be pretty friendly or pretty annoying with his emotional outburst and drama.  Tends to be very emotionally expressive and manipulative.  

Counselor - Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):  
Lives around his vision of becoming a Brave Warrior of the Sea.  That vision becomes willpower he uses to push through.  Has very powerful Creativity in the Critic position that result in him being very negative about others intentions and possibilities.  He usually only trusts his own vision of how things should be done.  

Aspirer - Sensation (Sensingextroverted):  
Is always trying to pursue bravery and adventure, even when he is usually insecure and scared of the possibilities his intuition can perceive.  As it happens with this position,  Usopp is less confident and skilled in sensation than he pretends to be.  But even with that, he always gets into situations where he has to use it, as he tries to prove to others and himself that he is capable. 

Trainee - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):  
Is competent with analysis, invention and planning.  He doesn't care about what others think and is more oriented to his own version of the truth.   He also uses this function to design his lies (that are usually not very good) and detect lies of others (he is also kind of gullible even when he says he is not). 

Usopp goes into his ISTP subconscious a lot to become a crafter for survival gear for him and the crew.  

Vinsmoke Sanji
The Inspector
Introverted Sensor Thinker Judger

"That's no way to treat a lady!"

Cautious Style:  
Is introspective, direct and process oriented.  Usually not controlling and goes with the flow.  Similar to Zoro, he will tell the harsh truths the team need to hear, but will be a little more polite because of his Guardian Intent that is more community and service oriented.

Guardian Intent:  
Cooperative, concrete and roles oriented. Upholds traditional ideas about how men should treat women and how a cook needs to feed the hungry and stands firm for them.

Functional Stack  

Hero - Memory (Sensingintroverted):  
Duty and comfort oriented.  Traditional and proper.  Has strong Sensation (Se) in the Vigilante (5th) position to become an action hero when the situation demands it.

Counselor - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted): 
Normally more serious and focused on making things work for the group.

Aspirer - Morals (Feelingintroverted): 
Has strong convictions that guides his behavior, beyond how others feel.  Childlike emotional outburst.

Trainee - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):  
Can be playful and creative when relaxed or focused.

Sanji goes into his ENFP subconscious when in front of women he likes.  He shows his ESTP  unconscious when someone in the crew needs a good lecture and when being bold, picking fights with other men.

Tony Tony Chopper
The Mediator
Introverted iNtuitive Feeler Perceiver

"I'll become a doctor who can cure any disease! Because... because there's no disease in this world that can't be cured!"

Supportive Style:  
Is introspective, friendly, responsive, and controlling, outcome oriented.  He is always behind the scenes, trying to be useful and having inner dialogs about it. He consider everyone's opinions and help keep calm in the group, resolving conflicts.  Usually only outspoken when stressed or excited.

Idealist Intent: 
Has trouble being grounded in reality.  Doctorine helped him understand the facts about being a Doctor and heal people.  His goal is to be able to cure all illnesses in a concrete and more so, abstract sense, which is to be able to heal hearts and minds. Chopper wants to do the right thing.  His dream revolves around meaning, significance and growth. Becoming a dependable pirate and crewmate. 

Functional Stack

Hero - Morals (Feelingintroverted):  
Is usually focused on how he feels and what is right for him to do.  His shadow Ethics (Fe) in the Vigilante (5th) position helps him understand what others need.  

Counselor - Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):  
Has a mind always open to wonder and possibilities. That is why he is kind of gullible, and at the same time he is negative about his own path in life (Insight Ni in the Critic 6th position) and wants others to be responsible about their paths. He also demonstrates his creativity with his rumble transformations that he designs.  

Aspirer - Memory (Sensingintroverted):  
Aspires to gather medical knowledge and to become someone reliable.  

Trainee - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):  
Wants to become someone that get things done and can get the right resources to help himself and others. 

Goes a lot into his ESTJ  subconscious when pressured to do things he is not used to.  This is, acting like a driver, concrete and efficacious crewmate.  He goes into his ENFJ unconscious when worried that others aren't doing what they are supposed to. This is, becoming bossy and lecturing others.

Nico Robin
The Analyst
Introverted iNtuitive Thinker Perceiver

"Fools who don't respect the past are doomed to repeat it."

Supportive Style
Introspective, quiet and sweet.  Good listener and she is there to help the group and calm things.  She supports the group in the background and avoids conflict.

Theorist Intent:  
Since childhood, she is focused on knowledge and competence.  She has mastered her ways into big organizations and has been pragmatic to survive. 

Functional Stack

Hero Logic (Thinkingintroverted):  
Is good at planning, analysis and investigation. Has an unusual and unique way of thinking about things.  Aspires to find the truth about history. 

Counselor  Creativity (iNtuitionextroverted):  
Has a weird imagination when encountering strange creatures.  Can see patterns within the information she proficiently gathers. She express his liking of weird creatures or things, for weird reasons. This also shows when she wants to be a troll against her enemies.
Aspirer Memory (Sensingintroverted):  
Strives for comfort and tranquility. Values the past, relics and tradition.  She is good at picking up details as investigator, spy or archeologist. 

Trainee Ethics (Feelingextroverted):   
Can be harmonious and charming.  Seems to be more concerned about how others feels than pursuing her own wishes. 

Her ESFJ subconscious manifest when she is caring, harmonious and sweet.  Her ENTJ unconscious shows when her attempts to belong to groups have failed and she needs to be cold and  effective to push for survival.  Her ISFP super-ego is her, going all out, while holding her most precious values and becoming a swift action hero who will take anything thrown at her. 

The Scoutmaster
Extroverted Sensor Thinker Perceiver

"I'm going to show you what a real man is!"

Driver Style:  
Stubborn, direct and expressive. Conflict seeker.  Outcome oriented. He is controlling about the results of his craft.
Explorer Intent:  
Wants to explore the seas and make an impact with the best battleship. Likes stimuli and fun.  Concrete, pragmatic and motives oriented.

Functional Stack  

Hero Sensation (Sensingextroverted):   
Enjoys giving a good experience.  Likes to put up a show.  It is hands on with his craft. Turning ideas directly into reality without much theorization. He likes artistic flare. 

Counselor - Logic (Thinkingintroverted):  
Is perfectionistic and does not care much about what others think of him. 

Aspirer - Ethics (Feelingextroverted):   
Likes to make others feel good and is good and making friends when he is not picking a fight. Has a child-like emotional expressiveness. 

Trainee Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):  
Has a vision to build the perfect ship that he polishes with experience.  

His INFJ subconscious can be seen in the way he took care of the thieves in Water Seven and taught them to be better.  His ISTJ unconscious can be seen with him being protective and community oriented with the Franky House members and later with the Straw hats.

The Artist
Introverted Sensor Feeler Perceiver

"Try not to get annihilated, everyone! Yo ho ho ho!"

Supportive Style:  
Helps behind the scenes. Is usually quiet, informative and process oriented, not at all controlling.  Has a receptive energy and amiable behavior.

Explorer Intent:  

Likes wandering, freedom and having a good time.  Enjoys a good performance.  Is concrete and motives oriented.

Functional Stack 

Hero  - Morals (Feelingintroverted):  
Has a strict code of honor and for the most part, guide his decision by his feelings and values. Does not generally impose values to others but himself.

Counselor Sensation (Sensingextroverted): 
Likes to experience the good things of the world, but does it with tranquility and responsibility.

Aspirer  Insight (iNtuitionintroverted):  
Aspires to meet with his old friend Laboon, and has that as vision to follow behind his experiences.  

Trainee - Efficacy (Thinkingextroverted):  
Wants to do what is needed to protect his wishes, friends and to help the crew. 

Shows his ESFJ  unconscious when being outgoing and inspiring with his concerts and a caregiver with his friends.  His ENTJ subconscious shows when he is serious or mad, wanting to defeat a foe or resolving a situation. 

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